Test plan

From USApedia
Revision as of 23:38, 31 August 2024 by MrT (talk | contribs) (→‎WhoIsWatching: clear)

The Test plan will document generic tests that should be run against Saintapedia after an upgrade. This page should not include any sensitive network or architecture elements.

User:Tom - Check this one out


Ensure no data was lost by updating Saintapedia:Statistics just before backup and after the upgrade from Special:Statistics. Once done, the statistics should be compared.

  • Pages (Articles)
  • Jobs
  • Registered Users
  • Administrators
  • Page Edits
  • Active Users
  • Files Uploaded
  • Total Pages
  • Page views

Installed extensions

This list was created from Special:Version in August 2024.


Contribution Scores

  • Test - See if the top 10 contributors since the beginning of wiki are displayed below.

All time (Top 10)


  • Description - System for notifying users about events and messages
  • Test - With another account, see if you can:
    • Use the Thanks tool
    • Mention someone using the {{@}} template on a talk page
    • Undo a change



  • Description - Adds a Special:RenameUser special page to rename a user (need renameuser right)
  • Test - Using an account with the correct rights, rename a user account (check Special:Log/renameuser afterwards)

Replace Text

  • Extension:Replace TextMediawiki logo.svg provides a special page to allow administrators to do a global string find-and-replace on all the content pages of a wiki


  • Description - Special:UserMerge Merges references from one user to another user in the wiki database - will also delete old users following merge. Requires usermerge privileges
  • Test - After other testing is done with test account, attempt to merge it into a primary account


Namespace Example Talk page Example
Main Saintapedia upgrade (June 2019) Talk Talk:2011
User User:Tullisc User talk User talk:Fgordonwinter
Saintapedia Saintapedia:Historic content Saintapedia talk Saintapedia talk:Red link
File File:Cabinet Memo on Political Activities and Procedures FINAL.pdf File talk File talk:List of Telework Coordinators.pdf
MediaWiki Not enabled MediaWiki talk MediaWiki talk:Anonnotice
Template No enabled Template talk Template talk:Video table
Help Help:Images Help talk Help talk:Files
Category Category:E-mails Category talk Category talk:Biography
Portal Portal:Secretarial Memoranda Portal talk Portal talk:Chemical element
Book No enabled Book talk Book talk:2016 Transition Books
Module No enabled Module talk Module talk:Bananas


  • Description - Provides an extendable wikitext editing interface and many feature-providing modules


  • Description - Extension:AdaptiveThumbMediawiki logo.svg extension allows you to show thumbnails of images that scale with the browser window.


  • Test - See if the Category tree appears below.


  • Description - Adds <ref[ name=id]> and <references/> tags, for citations
  • Test - Ensure that the reference is working[1]


  • Description - Dynamic Page List outputs a bulleted list of the most recent items residing in a category, or an intersection of several categories


 category=Saintapedia Ambassadors



  • Description - Adds a parser function embedding video from popular sources.
  • Test - See if the video is playable below.

{{#evt:service=youtube|id=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdBAHexVYzc%7Calignment=left%7Cdimensions=400%7Cdescription=We Can Now Edit Our DNA. But Let's Do it Wisely - Co-inventor Jennifer Doudna - TED Talks}}


  • Description - iDisplay display sites in an iFrame, you may block them with a intersite


  • Description - Image Map allows client-side clickable image maps using <imagemap>tag
  • Test - Confirm that you clicking on portions of the map below will take you to the appropriate state.
Map of United States. Each state is a clickable link.
WashingtonOregonNevadaCaliforniaCaliforniaIdahoIdahoArizonaMontanaColoradoNew MexicoNorth DakotaSouth DakotaNebraskaNebraskaKansasOklahomaOklahomaTexasTexasTexasMinnesotaIowaMissouriMissouriArkansasUtahWyomingLouisianaWisconsinIllinoisMichiganIndianaKentuckyTennesseeMississippiAlabamaOhioWest VirginiaFloridaGeorgiaSouth CarolinaNorth CarolinaVirginiaMarylandDelawarePennsylvaniaNew JerseyNew YorkNew YorkConnecticutRhode IslandMassachuettesVermontNew HampshireMaineHawaiiAlaskaWest VirginiaWashington, D.C.MarylandDelawareNew JerseyConnecticutRhode IslandMassachusettsVermontNew HampshireMap of USA with state names.png
About this image

AL - AK - AS - AZ - AR - CA - CO - CT - DE - DC - FL - GA - GU - HI - ID - IL - IN - IA - KS - KY -
LA - ME - MD - MA - MI - MN - MS - MO - MT - NE - NV - NH - NJ - NM - NY - NC - ND - NMI - OH - OK -
OR - PA - PR - RI - SC - SD - TN - TX - UT - VT - VI - VA - WA - Washington, D.C. - WV - WI - WY

Labeled Section Transclusion

  • Description - Labeled Section Transclusion adds #lst and #lstx functions and <section> tag, enables marked sections of text to be transcluded

Test plan
Type: Executive agency
Parent organization: Executive Office of the President
Top organization:
Employees: 114000
Executive: Secretary of Energy
Budget: $51.7 billion
Address: 1000 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20585
Website: https://www.energy.gov
Creation Legislation: Department of Energy Organization Act
Wikipedia: Test planWikipedia Logo.png
Test plan

No results

This map created from a Cargo query (Purge)
The mission of the Department of Energy (DOE) is to ensure America’s security and prosperity by addressing its energy, environmental, and nuclear challenges through transformative science and technology solutions. This includes driving innovation in energy technologies, ensuring the nation's nuclear security, reducing the threat of global climate change, and promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.

The DOE provides services that include funding and conducting research in basic and applied science, particularly related to energy and environmental issues; managing the nuclear weapons stockpile and nonproliferation activities; overseeing the nation's strategic petroleum reserves; promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies; regulating the energy sector for security and reliability; cleaning up environmental contamination from nuclear weapons production sites; and fostering international cooperation on energy and climate issues.


The DOE oversees regulations related to energy conservation, nuclear safety, the disposal of nuclear waste, environmental restoration, energy efficiency standards for appliances and consumer products, and the dissemination of federal energy policies. It also sets guidelines for the operation of the National Laboratories, manages the nuclear security enterprise, enforces energy efficiency standards, and regulates aspects of energy production, particularly in nuclear energy.

Test plan
File:Seal of the United States Department of Energy.svg
Seal of the U.S. Department of Energy
File:Flag of the United States Department of Energy.svg
Flag of the U.S. Department of Energy
File:US Dept of Energy Forrestal Building.jpg
James V. Forrestal Building, headquarter building named after James Forrestal
Agency Overview
Formed August 4, 1977; 47 years ago (1977-08-04)
Preceding agencies Federal Energy Administration (FEA)
Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA)
Jurisdiction U.S. federal government
Headquarters James V. Forrestal Building
1000 Independence Avenue
Southwest, Washington, D.C., U.S.
Employees 14,382 federal civilian (2018)[2]
93,094 contract (2008)
Annual budget $31.7 billion (2020)[3]
Agency Executives Jennifer Granholm, Secretary
David Turk, Deputy Secretary

The United States Department of Energy (DOE) is an executive department of the U.S. federal government that oversees U.S. national energy policy and energy production, the research and development of nuclear power, the military's nuclear weapons program, nuclear reactor production for the United States Navy, energy-related research, and energy conservation.

The DOE was created in 1977 in the aftermath of the 1973 oil crisis. It sponsors more physical science research than any other U.S. federal agency, the majority of which is conducted through its system of National Laboratories..[4][5] The DOE also directs research in genomics, with the Human Genome Project originating from a DOE initiative..[6]

The department is headed by the secretary of energy, who reports directly to the president of the United States and is a member of the Cabinet. The department's headquarters are in southwestern Washington, D.C., in the James V. Forrestal Building, with additional offices in Germantown, Maryland.


  • Description - Maps enables embedding of dynamic maps into wiki pages, geocoding of addresses and other geographical operations
  • Test - See if the Forrestal traffic map appears below.

Template:Forrestal traffic map (left align)


  • Description - Enhance parser with logical functions
  • Test - Ensure parser functions are working
  • {{#time: F j, Y}} will show the current date: March 11, 2025. Other common formats for displaying a date include:
    • {{#time: n/j/y}}: 3/11/25,
    • {{#time: m/d/Y}}: 03/11/2025 (with zero padding added, if necessary, to make the month and day each 2 digits long, and a 4-digit year), and
    • {{#time: Y-m-d}}: 2025-03-11.
    • {{#time: Y F d H:i:s}}: 2025 March 11 14:32:52
    • {{#timel: Y F d H:i:s}}: 2025 March 11 10:32:52
    • {{#ifexpr: 1 > 0 | yes | no }} can compare values: yes
    • {{#ifeq: {{#time: D}} | Fri | TGIF!}} will display a message only on Fridays: 
    • {{#switch: {{#time: D}} | Fri=TGIF! | Sat=Weekend | Sun=Weekend | #default=Where's my coffee?}} will display a different message on different days: Where's my coffee?


  • Description - pdfbook-desc
  • Test
    • "Download page as PDF " is in left navigation (Toolbox)
    • Ensure PDF Export functionality is working

RSS feed

  • Description - Displays RSS feeds on MediaWiki pages in a standard or in user-definable formats using template pages
  • Test - Ensure the RSS feed below works

<rss max="3" template="RSSPost">https://www.energy.gov/rss/energygov/2193718</rss>


  • Description - Framework for embedding scripting languages into MediaWiki pages
  • Test
    • "Hello, world!" should appear in the bullet below using {{#invoke:Bananas|hello}}
      • Hello, world!
    • Alternatively add {{#invoke:Bananas|hello}} to your Sandbox using Enhanced editor. If it says "Hello, world!" when you save it, Scribunto is working.


  • Test - The wikitext below should be color coded when saved.


<syntaxhighlight lang="php">
    $v = "string";    // sample initialization
html text
    echo $v;         // end of php code

Saved wikitext:

    $v = "string";    // sample initialization
html text
    echo $v;         // end of php code


  • Description - Implement data storage for template parameters (using JSON)
  • Test - When adding or editing a template, that has TemplateData created, it should allow you to make changes using a form.


  • Description - The TemplateStylesMediawiki logo.svg extension introduces a <templatestyles> tag to specify that a stylesheet should be loaded from a wiki page. Placing this in a template allows the template to have custom styles without having to place them in MediaWiki:Common.css. For instructions on how to use the extension as an editor on a wiki, see Help:TemplateStyles.

Hit Counter

  • Description - Provides per page view statistics
    • Bonus test - Is it updated daily (for more viewed pages)

PDF Handler

  • Description - Handler for viewing PDF files in image mode.
  • Test - Ensure that appears as an image below.


  • Description - AdvancedSearchMediawiki logo.svg enhances Special:Search by providing an advanced parameters form and improving how namespaces for a search query are selected.
  • Test - Go to Special:Search and ensure the form can be used to filter results appropriately


  • Description - The CategoryTagSorterMediawiki logo.svg extension alphabetizes category links at the bottom of an article.


  • Description - The CirrusSearchMediawiki logo.svg extension implements searching for MediaWiki using Elasticsearch.
  • Test - As this affects the default search for the wiki, test one or two of the features mentioned on Help:Search:
    • sorting navigation suggestions by the number of incoming links.
    • Starting with the tilde character ~ to disable navigation and suggestions in such a way that also preserves page ranking.
    • Smart-matching characters by normalizing (or "folding") non-keyboard characters into keyboard characters.
    • Words and phrases that match are highlighted in bold on the search results page.[7]
    • Ability to search within PDFs with machine readable text (non-image PDFs)
    • Fuzzy searches and wildcard searches will be improved (Words, phrases, and modifiers)
    • Some spelling correction using the "Did you mean?"
      • Example - When searching for "secratary," it gives the searcher "Showing results for secretary. Search instead for secratary."
    • Ability to look for pages in specific categories (incategory), have a template (hastemplate), or pages that link to a page (Linksto)
      • Examples - incategory: AU, hastemplate: Cats, linksto: "Correspondence reference materials (Office of Science)"
    • When you start typing in the search box, the article suggestions are sort by article quality. Those suggestions should take into account the number of incoming wikilinks, the size of the page, the number of external links, the number of headings, and the number of redirects.
    • Look for similar pages (Morelike), have text in the page title (intitle), or search subpages (recommended mainly for Portals)
      • Examples - morelike:Electric vehicle, morelike:Electric vehicle|Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, subpageof:"Training (Saintapedia)", and portal:subpageof:"2016 Transition"
    • Search the uploaded files by size (filesize), type (filetype), file format (filemime), or other measurements (File measures )
      • Examples - filesize:<10240, filetype:video, filemime:svg, and filewidth:1024
    • Expanding templates, meaning that all content from a template is now reflected in search results.
    • Faster updates to the search index, meaning changes to articles are reflected in search results much faster.


  • Description - Allows users to close the sitenotice
  • Test - Using an account with the rights,

DOE Login Message

  • Description - DOE Login Message executes the hook to display the login notice. Modify this extension to change the message.
  • Test - Do you get the message when you log in?


  • Description - The ElasticaMediawiki logo.svg extension provides base elasticsearch functionality. Further information is available on the CirrusSearch extension's page.

Google Analytics Integration

  • Description - Inserts Google Universal Analytics (and/or other web analytics) scripts into MediaWiki pages for tracking
  • Test - Login to Google Analytics and check if data is being fed to it from Saintapedia


File:Switch to mobile view.png
Switch to mobile front end
  • Description - Mobile Front end creates a separate mobile site for your mobile traffic and provides various content transformations to make your content more friendly
  • Test
    • On a desktop, go to the bottom of any Saintapedia page
    • See if there is a link to "Mobile view"
    • Ensure the display changes appropriately


  • Test
    • See if the drop down menu is given as an option


  • Description - The MultimediaViewerMediawiki logo.svg extension gives the user of a wiki a different interface for viewing full-size, or nearly full-size, images in their browser without extraneous page loads or confusing interstitial pages.
  • Test - Click on a page with a large image. Examples:



  • Description - PageNotice lets you define a fixed header or footer message for each namespace or individual page


  • Description - ParserHooksMediawiki logo.svg adds an object orientated and declarative parser hook interface on top of MediaWiki.


  • Description - PrivateWiki attempts to close obvious security holes for private Wikis. This includes disabling remember-password features on both client and server sides, not leaking valid user names at login and recording failed login attempts (for use with fail2ban or similar tools).
  • Test - Check if "Keep me logged in" option is removed from the login page (see Security enhancements for more details).


  • Test - Exploring if still needed


  • Extension:SandboxLinkMediawiki logo.svg extension adds a link to user's personal sandbox to personal tools menu. The sandbox is assumed to exist, or will be created, at a "/sandbox" subpage of user's userpage.
  • Test - When logged in, is the a link to your Sandbox in the upper right hand corner of every page?


  • Thanks tool
    Description - The Thanks tool enables editors to send a 'Thank you' notification to users who make constructive edits, to give them positive feedback.


  • Description - Title prefix search suggestion backend
  • Test - Search for "Ocio" and see if it is changed to "OCIO"


  • Description - The Validator MediaWiki extension, provides a parameter processing framework that provides a way to declaratively define a set of parameters and how they should be processed. It can take such declarations together with a list of raw parameters and provide the processed values.
  • Test - Testing done by Admins


  • The post login page should have the items below, which is configured in the LocalSettings file
    • You are now logged in to Saintapedia as "Username".
  • Check that you are able to
  • Check if HTTPs (SSL) is enabled
    • it is possible to add/remove a page to your watchlist

Look and feel

Verify that MediaWiki:Common.css and MediaWiki:Common.js are functioning correctly.

  • If the two complex template structures: {{Navbox}} and {{Infobox}} are working, then that is a good sign that common.css and common.js are correct. Both template pages have examples on them that can easily show whether the various components are working. Note that as of 2019, all Navboxes are auto collapsed by the JavaScript
  • Test, on various browsers, that unauthenticated (not logged-in) readers are shown the Vector theme by default.
  • Ensure the "star" function for Watchlist is available on the skin (when logged in). See the Watch star graphic to the right.
  • Check look and feel in all browsers
    • Expand correctly
    • There should not be any overlap of the buttons
    • There should be no shadow on the icons

Uploading documents

  • Upload a document up to 15 MB (as of Jan 2019)
  • Verify the types of files that can be uploaded
    • On Special:Upload, in January 2019, the list includes png, gif, jpg, jpeg, svg, doc, docx, dot, dotx, pps, ppsx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, pdf, mp4, txt, flac, mkv, mov, mp3, oga, ogg, ogv, wav, webm
    • Note - Some original format office documents [.doc, .xls, etc.] cannot be uploaded due to a S/MIME error. They should be able to be opened if they are already in Saintapedia. An easy work around is to convert the file to the newer file format (docx, pptx, xlsx, etc.).

Multimedia appearance

Check to ensure that certain multimedia files are being displayed correctly


  • Verify that all file types that appear as images are working






Make sure the Saintapedia:Bots are still working after the upgrade. Suggest manually running one or more of the existing bot scripts from the bot server to ensure things still operate as expected. See the bots running below.

  • New accounts
  • Duplicate files
  • Adding categories by files and by name


  • Do portals display correctly?
  • Do the edit links work to the subpages?



  • High resolution images may give "Error creating thumbnail: Invalid thumbnail parameters." This error can be resolved by reducing the image resolution.
  • 508 Compliance, accessibility to disabled persons... ?
  • Readability testing to establish the audience education level appropriate to the complexity of the content -> plain language compliance?

External links




  1. Cite is working
  2. "Department of Energy". United States Office of Personnel Management. https://www.fedscope.opm.gov/ibmcognos/cgi-bin/cognosisapi.dll?b_action=powerPlayService&m_encoding=UTF-8&BZ=1AAAB0ReCZA542oVOy26DQAz8mTVpD428XqjIgcMCixKpJSnkXhHYRFF5KeGSv68JraJy6VjeHY1nLDv5dpnvt5nZxMF16C52Ez8B0Tl5lb5exaGvlHIT8rWUofI813gYRpjE7Hl2xqzRWbTe6f06AErKrh1sOzA7dnVlL_CF4GJbNBZUvNgV5VdxstdP0%7ER1d2vYuQCPVyX9NPlrf7iA8IU7t%7E1gmwOvJSSU%7Ehh24jxaRts0NdF_w59_N8G%7EQSf8CI6IQiKilCiEQOGhIBRjCaFPti1vbAaq_NV1Dbh668piOHftTBZAPpBizUqgA9BqEuRDEBn7kDszLqiKSTQX0rkgRvCaX%7EoDea87m_6%7E93T1hG9sUHVa. 
  3. "The Budget for Fiscal Year 2020". https://www.energy.gov/articles/department-energy-fy-2020-budget-request-fact-sheet. 
  4. "Office of Science Funding". https://www.energy.gov/science/office-science-funding. 
  5. "NSF Science and Engineering Indicators 2012". https://www.nsf.gov/statistics/seind12/. 
  6. "Genomes to Life, Black Bag". U.S. Department of Energy. Spring 2002. http://www.ornl.gov/sci/techresources/Human_Genome/publicat/jmmbbag.pdf. 
  7. The highlighter is a yet another analyzer, in addition to the indexing analyzers. Being a large software application the Search highlighter may not always be 100% in sync (in the snippet) with what Search will match on the page. The highlighter can match better or worse. Nevertheless, query prefix:{{FULLPAGENAME}} is certainly an excellent way to learn. For the most effective tests, search through just enough live pages to give a few hundred samples, by limiting the search domain with prefix.
