Missions (2020 Transition books): Difference between revisions
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Latest revision as of 22:58, 20 December 2024
Book 3 - Organization Overview |
Entire 2020 DOE Transition book As of October 2020 |
This is a list of the Mission sections from the 2020 Transition books, specifically the Book 3 - Organization Overviews. They are being shown using Labeled Section Transclusion.
Corporate Offices
Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy
ARPA-E’s mission is to overcome long-term and high-risk technological barriers in the development of energy technologies. Its goal is to “enhance the economic and energy security of the United States through the development of energy technologies” that:
- reduce imports of energy from foreign sources;
- reduce energy-related emissions, including greenhouse gases;
- improve the energy efficiency of all economic sectors; and
- ensure that the United States maintains or re-establishes a technological lead in developing advanced energy technologies
Office of the Chief Financial Officer
Stewardship of financial and business operations for the Department of Energy by an empowered workforce using technology and analytics. Mantra: Empowered People, Financial Stewardship, Performance Focus.
Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs
To promote the Secretary’s, Department’s, and Administration’s policies, legislative initiatives, and budget requests with the Congress, State, territorial, Tribal, and local government officials, and other Federal agencies. CI is also responsible for managing and overseeing the Department’s liaison with Members of Congress, other levels of governments, and stakeholders, which includes consumer liaison and public interest groups.
Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response
For the most up to date mission, please see mission.
The Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response (CESER) leads the Department of Energy’s emergency preparedness and coordinated response to disruptions to the energy sector, including physical and cyber-attacks, natural disasters, and man-made events.
Energy Information Administration
EIA collects, analyzes, and disseminates independent and impartial energy information to promote sound policymaking, efficient markets, and public understanding of energy and its interaction with the economy and the environment.
Office of Enterprise Assessments
The Office of Enterprise Assessments supports the Secretary of Energy and other stakeholders by enhancing DOE’s safety, security, and cybersecurity programs. We do this through independently evaluating the effectiveness of requirements, performance, and risk management; conducting objective and effective enforcement activities; and providing high-quality training.
Office of General Counsel
The General Counsel is charged by the Secretary of Energy with the authority to determine the Department’s authoritative position on any question of law. The Office of the General Counsel provides legal advice, counsel, and support to the Secretary, the Deputy Secretary, and program offices throughout DOE to further the Department’s mission of ensuring America’s security and prosperity by addressing its energy, environmental and nuclear challenges through transformative science and technology solutions.
Office of Inspector General
To strengthen the integrity, economy, and efficiency of the Department’s programs and operations including deterring and detecting fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement.
Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence
Identify and mitigate threats to U.S. national security and the DOE Enterprise and inform national security decision-making through scientific and technical expertise.
Office of International Affairs
The Office of International Affairs (IA) is the Primary DOE coordinator for the international implementation of activities across all program offices for the Secretary and Deputy Secretary advancing U.S. economic and energy security goals, including countering malign activities.
IA is also responsible for promoting US energy exports and trade to support growth, supporting ally and partner diversification of energy sources and supplies, strengthening global energy supply chains.
Loan Programs Office
For the most up to date mission, please see mission.
To catalyze energy infrastructure investments to achieve America’s energy objectives and advance economic growth.
Office of the Ombudsman
Help DOE work better together by tapping into the power of collaborative approaches to address workplace challenges.
Power Marketing Administrations
Bonneville Power Administration
As a public service organization, Bonneville Power Administration’s mission is to create and deliver the best value for our customers and constituents as we act in concert with others to assure the Pacific Northwest:
- An adequate, efficient, economical and reliable power supply.
- A transmission system that is adequate to the task of integrating and transmitting power from Federal and non-federal generating units, providing service to Bonneville’s customers, providing interregional interconnections, and maintaining electrical reliability and stability.
- Mitigation of the impacts on fish and wildlife from the Federally owned hydroelectric projects from which Bonneville markets power.
- Bonneville is committed to cost-based rates, and public and regional preference in its marketing of power. Bonneville sets its rates as low as possible, consistent with sound business principles and the full recovery of all of its costs, including timely repayment of the Federal investment in the system
Southeastern Power Administration
SEPA’s mission is to market and deliver Federal hydroelectric power, at the lowest possible cost to public bodies and cooperatives in the Southeastern United States.
Southwestern Power Administration
To optimally use Federal resources to safely and sustainably provide clean hydropower, transmission, and related services to benefit our customers, regional communities, and the Nation.
Western Area Power Administration
Market and deliver clean, renewable, reliable, cost- based Federal hydroelectric power and related services:
Office of Public Affairs
The Office of Public Affairs (PA) is the principal point of contact for the Department of Energy with the news media and general public.
PA is responsible for ensuring that the public is informed about the Department’s activities as well as the priorities and policies of the Secretary and the President with regard to energy policy, nuclear security, and scientific discovery.
PA advises the Secretary and other Department officials on all aspects of media relations, digital outreach, and communications opportunities. The Office also helps guide and produce remarks and public statements for the Secretary, Deputy Secretary, and senior leadership. The Office manages both the technical and editorial aspects of Energy.gov, the Department’s public facing web platform, and administers all top-level DOE-branded social media accounts.
PA advises Department leadership on digital communications best practices and provides digital service to the public.
PA prepares and issues Department press releases and media advisories and serves reporters assigned to the Department by responding to inquiries, arranging interviews, and conducting news conferences. The Office also coordinates the public affairs units of all Department organizations and coordinates and advises the communications staffs of the 17 National Laboratories. The Office ensures that information provided to the news media by the Department is current, complete, and accurate
Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization
For the most up to date mission, please see mission.
National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA)
For the most up to date mission, please see mission.
Edit at National Nuclear Security Administration#Mission and Functions
Under Secretary for Science and Energy (S4)
Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability
For the most up to date mission, please see mission.
A secure and resilient power grid is vital to national security, economic security, and the services Americans rely upon. Working closely with its private and public partners, the Office of Electricity leads the Department’s efforts to ensure the Nation’s most critical energy infrastructure is secure and able to recover rapidly from disruptions.
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
For the most up to date mission, please see EERE mission.
EERE promotes affordable and reliable energy to enhance America’s economic growth and energy security through technology development in the energy efficiency, renewable power, and sustainable transportation sectors.
EERE is accelerating the development and adoption of sustainable transportation technologies; increasing the generation of electric power from renewable resources; improving the energy efficiency of homes, buildings, and industries; stimulating the growth of a thriving domestic clean energy manufacturing industry; enabling the integration of clean electricity into a reliable, resilient, and efficient grid; and enabling a high-performing, results-driven culture through effective management approaches and processes.
EERE has stewardship responsibility for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Golden, Colorado, which has 2,685 employees and a $492,000,000 annual operating budget. NREL’s mission is to develop clean energy and energy efficiency technologies and practices; advance related science and engineering; and provide knowledge and innovations to integrate energy systems at all scales.
Office of Fossil Energy
For the most up to date mission, please see mission.
Discover and develop advanced fossil energy technologies to ensure American energy dominance, create American jobs, support a resilient infrastructure, maintain environmental stewardship, and enhance America’s economy. Ensure America’s access to and use of safe, secure, reliable, and affordable fossil energy resources and strategic reserves
Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs
For the most up to date mission, please see mission.
The mission of the Office of Indian Energy is to maximize the development and deployment of energy solutions for the benefit of American Indians and Alaska Natives.
Office of Nuclear Energy
The mission of NE is to advance nuclear power as a resource capable of meeting the Nation’s clean energy, environmental, and national security needs by resolving technical, cost, safety, proliferation resistance, and security barriers through research, development, and demonstration (RD&D). NE supports the diverse civilian nuclear energy programs of the U.S. government, leading federal RD&D efforts in nuclear energy technologies, including generation; safety; waste storage and management; and security technologies.
Office of Science
For the most up to date mission, please see mission.
The SC mission is to deliver scientific discoveries and major scientific tools to transform our understanding of nature and advance the energy, economic, and national security of the United States.
Office of Technology Transitions
OTT’s mission is to expand the public impact of the Department’s research and development (R&D) portfolio to advance the economic, energy and national security interests of the nation.
Under Secretary for Management and Performance
Office of the Chief Information Officer
For the most up to date mission, please see mission.
The mission of the OCIO is to help the Department securely carry out its mission.
Office of Economic Impact and Diversity
For the most up to date mission, please see mission.
ED advises the Secretary on (1) the effect of energy policies, regulations, and other actions of the Department of Energy and its components on minorities and minority business enterprises and on ways to ensure that minorities are afforded an opportunity to participate fully in the energy programs of the Department; and (2) Departmental compliance with civil rights and equal employment opportunity laws, regulations, and related directives and Executive Orders that prohibit workplace discrimination and discrimination in programs receiving federal financial assistance from DOE. ED ensures integration of Equal Employment Opportunity into DOE policies and decision; overseeing intake and processing of complaints of discrimination; and promoting a diverse DOE workforce and inclusive work environment.
Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security
For the most up to date mission, please see mission.
AU is DOE’s central organization with enterprise level responsibilities for health, safety, environment, and security; providing corporate-level leadership and strategic vision to establish, sustain, coordinate, and integrate these vital programs. AU is responsible for policy development and technical assistance; safety analysis; and corporate safety and security programs. The Associate Under Secretary for Environment, Health, Safety and Security advises DOE elements and senior Departmental leadership, including the Under Secretary of Energy
on all matters related to environment, health, safety, and security across the complex.
Office of Environmental Management
For the most up to date mission, please see mission.
The mission of the Office of Environmental Management is to address the environmental legacy of the U.S. nuclear activities by safely managing and cleaning up contaminated sites, managing radioactive waste, and ensuring the long-term stewardship of these sites. Its work focuses on protecting human health, safety, and the environment from the hazards associated with nuclear materials.
Office of Hearings and Appeals
HG’s mission is to conduct fair and efficient hearings; to issue decisions of the Department of Energy with respect to any adjudicative proceedings which the Secretary may delegate; and to support the use of alternative dispute resolution methodologies throughout DOE.
Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer
Supporting DOE’s mission through workforce services, solutions, and innovations.
Office of Legacy Management
For the most up to date mission, please see mission.
The mission of LM is to fulfill the Department’s post-closure responsibilities and ensure the future protection of human health and the environment. We are the caretakers of legacy sites that played a critical role in America’s nuclear history. By supporting the Manhattan project and additional nuclear weapons development, as well as experimental peace-time nuclear energy applications, our sites helped America win World War II and the Cold War. We are the federal land managers and stewards of cultural, historical, and natural resources at sites that have been successfully cleaned up and have remedies in place. We work closely with federal, state, local, and Tribal governments to set clear expectations and monitor results to ensure public and environmental safety for generations to come. We use advancements in science and emerging technologies to efficiently improve existing protection levels at our sites.
Office of Management
Assure the effective management and integrity of Department of Energy programs, activities, and resources by developing and implementing Department-wide policies and systems in the areas of aviation management, acquisition management, asset management, sustainability, Freedom of Information, conference management, and administrative services Provide a safe and environmentally secure environment for all HQ employees through the deployment of a disciplined Occupant Emergency Plan.
Office of Project Management Oversight and Assessments
PM’s mission is to provide enterprise level project management leadership and assist in the development and implementation of Department-wide policies, procedures, programs, and management systems pertaining to project management, professional development, and related activities. The office is charged with providing the DOE senior leadership with timely, reliable, and credible information to enable the best-informed project execution decisions.
External links