Diversity, equity, and inclusion

From USApedia

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), also known as Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA), prioritizing demographic quotas over merit, potentially undermining equality of opportunity and individual merit.

This is a working list of Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts in the Federal government.

Department of Veterans Affairs

Department of Veterans Affairs

Department of Health and Human Services

Department of Health and Human Services

  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
  • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
    • https://www.cms.gov/about-cms/work-with-us/careers/diversity-equity-and-inclusion
    • PlanetOIT -news and information about the Office of Information Technology at CMS
    • https://planetoit.cms.gov/one-pager/dei-oit-volume-2-allyship
    • https://www.cms.gov/about-cms/work-with-us/careers/diversity-equity-and-inclusion
    • https://www.cms.gov/files/document/dei-strategic-plan-external-strategy.pdf
    • Employee Resource Groups (ERG)
      • African American ERG (AAERG): The AAERG works to identify and eliminate barriers to equal employment opportunity for the African American population at CMS. In doing so, the AAERG works to  promote  a  diverse  and  inclusive  work  environment.  Email: AAERG@cms.hhs.gov
      • American Indian/Alaska Native ERG (AI/AN ERG): The AI/AN ERG works to assess barriers to equal opportunity for American Indians & Alaska Natives. The AI/AN ERG also seeks to increase opportunities for outreach, education, and development regarding these communities.  Email: AIANERG@cms.hhs.gov
      • Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander ERG (AANHPI ERG): The AANHPI ERG works to promote the recruitment, promotion, and retention of highly talented Asian American and Pacific Islanders at CMS. The AANHPI ERG also focuses on outreach to, and increasing developmental opportunities for, members of the AANHPI community within CMS.  Email: AANHPIERG@cms​.hhs.gov
      • Disability ERG (DERG): The DERG provides a forum through which Agency employees may provide input and recommendations toward developing and influencing disability-related policies and practices affecting the recruitment, hiring, promotion, and retention of individuals with disabilities, including Veterans. The DERG provides the Agency with information about existing barriers to equal opportunity and full access and makes recommendations about ways to overcome those barriers. In addition, the DERG conducts activities to educate employees regarding the special interests, needs, and accomplishments of individuals with disabilities in order to raise awareness and generate positive perceptions of disability and promote diversity in the workplace.  Email: DERG@cms.hhs.gov
      • Federal Women’s Group (FWG): The FWG seeks to provide a forum for CMS employees to plan and conduct activities that educate the workforce regarding the special interests, needs, and accomplishments of women in order to promote development and leadership skills. The FWG strives to enhance the awareness of women’s issues and promote cultural diversity within CMS, thus increasing the recruitment, hiring, promotion, and retention of women in the CMS workforce and eliminating barriers to equal employment.  Email: FederalWomensGroup@cms.hhs.gov
      • CMS Latin American ERG: Better known as Comunidades, this ERG emphasizes the development of successful strategies to enhance the recruitment, hiring, promotion, and retention of highly qualified Hispanic professionals at CMS to assist the Agency in better reflecting society. Comunidades works to accomplish this mission by identifying and engaging CMS employees of Hispanic heritage to promote community engagement, broad collaboration, and increase understanding of meaningful outreach. Comunidades also collaborates with other entities within CMS and HHS to garner support and develop programs. Email: comunidades@cms.hhs.gov
      • CMS Pride: The CMS lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) ERG, better known as CMS PRIDE, stands for “People respecting individuality, inclusiveness, diversity, and equality for the LGBTI workforce.” Pride is a visible, personal, and professional resource to the LGBTI workforce, allies, and the broader CMS community. CMS PRIDE helps the Agency eliminate discrimination, while fostering diversity, inclusiveness, and a supportive, respectful, and rewarding work. Email: Pride@cms.hhs.gov
      • Veterans Assistance Committee (VAC): The VAC is an employee resource group focused on issues of particular interest to Veterans at CMS. The goal of the VAC is to provide the Agency with input on those issues, so that Veterans may directly influence policies, procedures, and programs impacting them. The VAC also works to increase the recruitment, hiring, promotion, and retention of Veterans within CMS.  Email:  VAC@cms.hhs.gov
  • National Library of Medicine (NLM)
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Department of Transportation

Department of Transportation

Department of Agriculture

Department of Agriculture

Department of Commerce

Department of Commerce

Department of Energy

Department of Energy[1]


DOE Wide

Loan Programs Office

National Nuclear Security Administration

Office of Energy Justice and Equity (Office of Economic Impact and Diversity)

Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE)

Office of Science (SC)



Brookhaven National Laboratory


Idaho National Laboratory

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

National Energy Technology Laboratory

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Sandia National Laboratories

Other organization

Hanford site


Department of Education

Department of Education

Office of Personnel Management

Office of Personnel Management

Department of Justice

Department of Justice

Library of Congress

Library of Congress (LOC)

Independent Agencies

Department of Housing and Urban Development

Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

Department of the Interior

Department of the Interior

White House

White House

Department of Defense

Department of Defense

Department of Labor

Department of Labor

Department of Homeland Security

Department of Homeland Security

Multiple organizations



External links