Office of Economic Impact and Diversity (2020 Presidential transition)

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Book 3 - Organization Overview

DOE 2020 Transition book - Organization Overviews cover.jpg

Entire 2020 DOE Transition book

As of October 2020

Parent Organization

The Office of Economic Impact and Diversity (ED) touches on all aspects of the DOE Mission through:

  1. its advocacy for its minority and underrepresented stakeholders;
  2. its Equity in Energy Initiative which focuses on STEM enhancement, Workforce Development, Technical Assistance, Energy Affordability, and Supplier Diversity
  3. its enforcement of all anti- discrimination statutes; and
  4. thought leadership on diversity and inclusion

Mission Statement

ED advises the Secretary on (1) the effect of energy policies, regulations, and other actions of the Department of Energy and its components on minorities and minority business enterprises and on ways to ensure that minorities are afforded an opportunity to participate fully in the energy programs of the Department; and (2) Departmental compliance with civil rights and equal employment opportunity laws, regulations, and related directives and Executive Orders that prohibit workplace discrimination and discrimination in programs receiving federal financial assistance from DOE. ED ensures integration of Equal Employment Opportunity into DOE policies and decision; overseeing intake and processing of complaints of discrimination; and promoting a diverse DOE workforce and inclusive work environment.


Fiscal Year Budget
FY 2019 enacted $10,169,000
FY 2020 enacted $10,169,000
FY 2021 requested $9,931,000

Human Resources

FY 2020 authorized full-time equivalents (FTEs): 37


The Office of Minority Economic Impact (OMEI) was established in Fiscal Year 1979 pursuant to Section 641, Title VI, Part 3 of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act (Public Law 95-619), dated November 9, 1978. The mandate requires that the OMEI Director be appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate. OMEI was created to ensure that minorities are afforded an equal opportunity to participate fully in the energy programs of the Department.

In 1993, the Office of Economic Impact and Diversity was established by bringing together the Office of Small & Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU), the Office of Civil Rights, and the Office of Minority Economic Impact. In the mid-1990s, two new offices –the Office of Employee Concerns and the Office of the National Ombudsman were added to ED, based on specific events that occurred impacting DOE employees. In 2004, DOE eliminated the Office of the National Ombudsman. That same year, ED consolidated the Office of Employee Concerns into OCR. In 2009, DOE transferred the civil rights function to the Office of Hearings and Appeals, and the diversity function to the Office of Human Capital Management. That action was reversed in 2010, resulting in the return of both of those functional lines to ED. In 2011, DOE created a separate Office of Diversity Programs in ED. In 2012, ED changed the name of Office of Diversity Programs to Office of Diversity and Inclusion. In 2012, a new Office of Ombudsman was established in ED. Due to the amendment of the Small Business Act by the National Defense Authorization Act of 2013, OSDBU transitioned from ED and now exists as a separate organization. In 2014, ED split the Office of Minority Economic Impact into two organizations, the Office of Minority Education and Community Development and the Office of Minority Business and Economic Development. In 2015, the Ombudsman function was moved to the Office of Management. In January 2016, the Office of Employee Concerns was moved from ED to the Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security. In 2016, ED created a separate Office of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) to complement OCR. The EEO Office and OCR reported to the Deputy Director, Office of Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity.

In 2018, ED merged the Office of Minority Education and Community Development with the Office of Minority Business and Economic Development. The combined organization was re-named the Office of Minority Economic Impact. ED also merged the Office of Diversity and Inclusion with the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity into a single organization named, the Office of Equity and Diversity. The umbrella organization that previously oversaw the Office of Civil Rights and Office of Equal Employment Opportunity, was renamed as the Office of Civil Rights and Diversity, and currently oversees the Office of Civil Rights and the Office of Equity and Diversity.

In early 2019, ED established the Office of Minority Programs and Business Operations to oversee two portfolios, the Office of Resource Management and the Office of Minority Economic Impact.

In February 2020, ED underwent another reorganization, re-naming the Office of Minority Programs and Business Operations and as the Office of Minority Programs. It abolished the Office of Resource Management, realigned the few positions in that portfolio to report individually to the Deputy Director, Office of Minority Program, and re-established that portfolio as the Energy Workforce Division. In addition, its re-named subcomponent “Offices” as subcomponent “Divisions” to mirror the structure of other Department organizations.


Office of Minority Programs Key Functions

  • Develop and oversee all activities, internal and external, relating to the Equity in Energy Initiative™ which is designed to expand the inclusion and participation of minorities, women, veterans, and formerly incarcerated persons across all department programs and in the private energy sector;
  • Provide strategic leadership and guidance to the Energy Workforce Division and Minority Education Institution Program Division; and
  • Oversee all budget, procurement, and personnel operations of ED.

Energy Workforce Division Key Functions

  • Develop policy recommendations to expand diverse business participation in DOE entrepreneurship/ research opportunities, and in the energy sector. Build relationships across the energy industry, diverse minority business, academia, and government
  • Expand access and opportunity to diverse entrepreneurs and business opportunity seekers.
  • Research and analyze information on the current state of the minority business workforce needs of energy related industries and to encourage energy related industries to improve opportunities for displaced and unemployed energy workers.
  • Oversee research programs in collaboration with the Energy Information Administration to determine the effects of national energy programs, policies, and DOE regulations on minorities.

Minority Educational Institution Program Division Key Functions

  • Partner with minority serving institutions to provide research and development opportunities and financial assistance (grants and cooperative agreements) to continue to produce a diverse pipeline of scientists and engineers.
  • Engage in education and community-based research activities
  • Provide technical assistance to underserved communities.
  • Manage the Minority Educational Institution Student Partnership Program (MEISPP).
  • Support research in areas of national interest related to the DOE’s mission, and strengthen the educational science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) capabilities of minority institutions for full and creative participation in the mainstream of DOE research.
  • Prepare Annual White House Report on Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

Office of Civil Rights and Diversity Key Functions

Provide strategic leadership and guidance to the Civil Rights Division and the Equity in Energy Division; and guidance to all EEO Field Site Offices, including the EEO Office in the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA).

Civil Rights Division Key Functions

  • Advise the Secretary of Energy on all matters related to internal and external civil rights and equal employment opportunity matters.
  • Formulate and executes EEO Policies.
  • Oversee all phases of the EEO Complaint Process including intake, processing, and resolution of internal discrimination complaints under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination Act of 1967, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Equal Pay Act of 1963, and the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008, in accordance with related statutes, directives, and Executive Orders.
  • Conduct intake, processing, and resolution of applicable external complaints.
  • Enforce Title VI and Title IX requirements related to recipients of federal funding from the Department of Energy
  • Prepare responses to Congressional inquiries related to Title VI, Title VII, Title IX, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1967, the Equal Pay Act of 1963, and the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008.
  • Conduct pre-award clearance reviews for Headquarters financial assistance awards or grants.
  • Conduct post-award compliance reviews of financial award recipients for all of DOE.
  • Monitor DOE field sites to ensure their compliance with Titles VI, IX, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the Age Discrimination Act, the Equal Pay Act, and the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008
  • Prepare statutory and regulatory-required reports, including the Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 Report (NO FEAR Act Report); the Annual Federal Equal Employment Statistical Report of Discrimination Complaints (EEOC Form 462); and Annual Reports on Executive Order 12250 (all civil rights activities for the agency)
  • Conduct Title VI, Title VII, and Title IX training for DOE Headquarters and field sites.
  • Draft policy statements for the Secretary’s consideration
  • Develop training modules and administer harassment and NO FEAR Act training.
  • Conduct functional reviews of field site EEO Operations.
  • Coordinate with DOE stakeholder organizations, including the Offices of Human Capital, Hearings and Appeals, General Counsel, Ombudsman, Employee Concerns, and field sites and program offices.
  • Collaborate with federal agencies, including the Department of Justice, the National Science Foundation, and others.

Equity and Diversity Division Key Functions

  • Maintain a model EEO program, including the integration of EEO into the agency strategic mission, prevention of unlawful discrimination, leader engagement, assessment of the work environment, and completion of barrier analyses.
  • Manage the special emphasis programs for various demographic groups including women, Hispanics, Individuals with Disabilities, veterans, Blacks/African Americans, Asian American Pacific Islanders, LGBTQ, and others in accordance with Executive Orders and legislative requirements.
  • Conduct extensive analyses of the DOE workforce in collaboration with the Office of Human Capital to identify areas of concern in hiring, development, and promotions.
  • Develop and implement agency wide EEO training.
  • Conduct special observances to enhance cross- cultural and cross-gender awareness, and to promote harmony, pride, teamwork, and esprit de corps in the workforce.
  • Prepare EEO reports including the White House Initiatives on Asian American and Pacific Islanders, EEOC Management Directive 715, and the Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment Program Report.
  • Enhance employee productivity and organizational performance by building an inclusive, collaborative, and open environment that enhances the employee experience.
  • Develop and implement agency-wide Diversity training
  • Collect and analyze data as it relates to diversity in the agency

Recent Organization Accomplishments

Launched Equity in Energy Initiative. This initiative, launched in August 2020, is designed to include and expand the participation of individuals in underserved communities, including minorities as defined in the legislation establishing ED, as well as women, veterans, and formerly incarcerated persons, in all the programs of the Department of Energy. It has five cornerstones: STEM enhancement, technical assistance, supplier diversity, energy affordability, and workforce development.

Realigned EEO Functions

On July 6, 2020, the Secretary approved ED’s request to consolidate all EEO functions from field sites (except NNSA) under the leadership of ED-1 (hybrid model approved for the Power Marketing Administrations)

Awarded $4 Million under ED’s First Competitive Funding Opportunity Announcement in its 40 Year History

In April 2020, ED made 10 awards totaling four million dollars to advance ED’s Minority Education, Workforce, and Training Program. Among other things, these awards will support hundreds of minority students and faculty members; engage seven Historically Black Colleges and Universities; serve 60 Qualified Opportunity Zones; and increase public-private partnerships that support underrepresented populations.

Established the Energy Workforce Division

In February 2020, the Energy Workforce Division was established to enhance support of minority business enterprises (MBEs) and underrepresented groups seeking participation in the energy sector. The staffing of this division is on-going.

Leadership Challenges

ED began effectuating the functional realignment of the DOE field EEO Offices into ED beginning on October 1, 2020, via Memoranda of Agreement between the site managers and the Director of ED. Sixteen employees at eight sites are impacted. The budget for those 16 FTEs, along with associated travel and overhead costs, will be transferred to ED in the FY22 Budget. The goal of the realignment is to increase efficiency and establish a community of practice for the EEO and Diversity and Inclusion professionals across the enterprise.

On September 22, 2020, President Trump issued an Executive Order related to diversity and inclusion training, which requires actions from Federal agencies, including DOE. The ED Director has been identified as the senior political appointee who will ensure the Department’s compliance with the Executive Order and related OPM guidance. Utmost care needs to be exercised to effectively execute the Executive Order.

Critical Events and Action Items

Both items described under Leadership Challenges are critical events.[1]

Organizational Chart





  1. DOE. (2021). Transitions 2020: Organizational Overviews. US Department of Energy.