Strategic Plan and Agency Priority Goals (2020 DOE transition)
Book 2 - Issue Papers |
Entire 2020 DOE Transition book As of October 2020 |
Agencies are required to develop an Agency Strategic Plan and Agency Priority Goals (APGs), reviewed and approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
Federal agencies are required by statute to produce an Agency Strategic Plan and Agency Priority Goals (APGs). These materials, which are planned for public release in February 2022, express the Department’s goals and highest priorities.
Agency Strategic Plan
- The Strategic Plan is required by the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (P.L. 103-62) as amended by the GPRA Modernization Act of 2010 (P.L. 111-352)
- Covers 2022 – 2026
- Secretarial Decisions:
- Content: Emphases and broad areas
- Methodology for Plan development
- Development timeline
Agency Priority Goals
- Required by the GPRA Modernization Act of 2010 (P.L. 111-352)
- Reflect top priorities of Administration and DOE Leadership
- Advance progress toward Strategic Goals and Objectives
- Near-term results should be achievable within approximately 24 months
- Require quarterly review by the Deputy Secretary
- Progress updates posted quarterly on
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) deadlines for providing draft materials begin in June 2021. DOE should begin development of the 2022- 2026 Strategic Plan and 2022-2023 APGs at the start of calendar year 2021.
Agency Strategic Plan
- June 2021: Draft Mission Statement, Strategic Goals and Objectives due to OMB
- September 13, 2021: Full draft due to OMB
- November 2021: Agencies receive OMB feedback
- December 23, 2021: Agencies deliver final draft Strategic Plan to OMB
- February 7, 2022: Agencies publish Strategic Plan
Agency Priority Goals (APGs)
- June 4, 2021: Draft Impact Statements (Topic Areas) due to OMB
- September 13, 2021: Draft APG Statements (Impact and Achievement Statements) due to OMB
- November 2021: Agencies receive OMB feedback
- January 14, 2022: Agencies provide final APG Statements to OMB
- February 7, 2022: APG Statements published on
- February 2022: Quarterly APG reporting process begins for 2022-2023 APGs
The Agency Strategic Plan is an opportunity for DOE Leadership to articulate priorities. The plan is required to be prepared only by Federal employees and include:
- Mission Statement
- General goals and objectives.
- Description of how goals and objectives contribute to Cross-Agency Priority goals.
- Description of how goals and objectives will be achieved, including resources required and how DOE is working with other agencies on goal achievement.
- Description of how goals and objectives incorporate views and suggestions obtained through congressional consultations.
- Description of how performance goals contribute to the general goals and objectives in the Strategic Plan.
- Key factors external to DOE that could significantly affect achievement of general goals and objectives.
- Description of the program evaluations used in establishing or revising general goals and objectives, with a schedule for future program evaluations.
The current set of Agency Priority Goals (APGs) cover FY 2020-2021:
- Commercial Adoption of Energy Technologies
- DOE Enterprise Cybersecurity
- Energy Sector Cybersecurity
- Environmental Management
- High Performance Computing (Exascale/Artificial Intelligence)
- Nuclear Stockpile Annual Assessment Each APG has a Goal Leader and a Deputy
Goal Leader within the Department. Quarterly Performance Reviews are held with Deputy Secretary and Goal Leaders to discuss progress. FY 2022-2023 APGs will be developed in conjunction with 2022-2026 Strategic Plan.