South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center

From USApedia
South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center
Type: Research and Development Agencies (Sub-organization)
Parent organization: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
Executive: Regional Administrator
Address: University of Oklahoma, 120 David L. Boren Blvd, Norman, OK 73019
Creation Legislation:
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South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center
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The South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center (SC CASC) provides decision-makers with the science, tools, and information needed to address the impacts of climate variability and change on natural and cultural resources in Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, and New Mexico. SC CASC aims to transform how climate science is conducted and applied in the region through collaborative, stakeholder-driven research.

Climate impact research; Decision support tools; Workshops and webinars; Collaborative projects; Outreach and education


The South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center (SCCASC) is one of nine regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers in the U.S. dedicated to providing actionable science to help natural and cultural resource managers adapt to climate change.

It serves Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, and New Mexico.

Official Site


The mission of the SCCASC is to deliver scientific knowledge, tools, and information to decision-makers to address the impacts of climate change and variability on natural and cultural resources in the South Central region.

Parent organization


Authorized by the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010, which established the National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center and its regional centers.[1]

Number of employees

Specific employee numbers are not publicly detailed, but it operates through a collaborative network involving university researchers, federal, state, and tribal partners.

Organization structure

The SCCASC includes:

  • **Director** leads the center's strategic direction.
  • **Research Coordinator** manages research projects and collaborations.
  • **Tribal Liaison** works on integrating indigenous knowledge into climate science.
  • **Advisory Committee** with members from various stakeholder groups.

List of programs

  • Research on climate impacts and adaptation strategies
  • Tribal Engagement Program
  • Student Internships and Fellowships
  • Workshops, webinars, and science communication

Last total enacted budget

Specific budget details for the SCCASC are not publicly itemized, but funding comes from the USGS budget for Climate Adaptation Science Centers.


The title of the leader of the organization is **Director**.

Services provided

The SCCASC provides research, data, and tools to resource managers to help them understand and mitigate the effects of climate change on ecosystems, wildlife, water resources, and cultural heritage. This includes data management, stakeholder engagement, and science communication.

Regulations overseen

The SCCASC does not oversee regulations but supports the development of science-based policies and management practices.

Headquarters address

University of Oklahoma, National Weather Center, 120 David L. Boren Blvd, Suite 2900, Norman, OK 73072[2]


Wikipedia article

wikipedia:South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center
