Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology

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Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
Type: Government
Parent organization: Department of Transportation
Top organization:
Employees: 300
Executive: Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
Budget: $1.2 billion (FY 2023 for DOT research)
Address: 1200 New Jersey Ave SE, Washington, DC 20590
Creation Legislation: Federal Public Transportation Act of 2012 (Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act - MAP-21)
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Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
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To advance transportation research, innovation, and technology deployment to enhance safety, improve mobility, and stimulate economic growth; to coordinate transportation research across the U.S. Department of Transportation.

Research Coordination; Technology Development; Data Analysis


Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology (OST-R) is the hub for transportation research within the U.S. Department of Transportation, focusing on innovation and technology to solve transportation challenges.

Official Site


OST-R's mission is to lead the nation in transportation innovation by fostering research, developing new technologies, and ensuring these advancements are deployed effectively to enhance transportation safety, efficiency, and environmental sustainability. It aims to integrate research findings across DOT's operating administrations to maximize impact.

Parent organization

OST-R is part of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT).


OST-R was established by the Federal Public Transportation Act of 2012 (MAP-21), which emphasized the coordination of research and technology in transportation.


  • Other DOT modal administrations like FHWA, NHTSA, and FAA
  • Universities and research institutions
  • Private sector transportation technology companies

Number of employees

OST-R employs approximately 300 people.

Organization structure

List of programs

Last total enacted budget

The budget for DOT's research activities, managed by OST-R, was approximately $1.2 billion for Fiscal Year 2023.


OST-R is led by the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology.

Services provided

OST-R provides services by coordinating and funding research projects, developing and deploying new transportation technologies, managing transportation data, supporting policy development with research, and promoting public-private partnerships for innovation. It also plays a key role in disseminating research findings and best practices.

Regulations overseen

While OST-R does not directly oversee regulations, its research and technology development efforts influence transportation policies, standards, and potentially regulatory frameworks by providing the scientific and technical basis for new regulations or updates to existing ones.

Headquarters address

1200 New Jersey Ave SE, Washington, DC 20590


Wikipedia article

There is no specific Wikipedia article for OST-R; for context, see wikipedia:United States Department of Transportation.

External links