Office of Extramural Research and Priority Populations

From USApedia
Office of Extramural Research and Priority Populations
Type: Research and Development Agencies
Parent organization: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Executive: Director
Address: 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857
Creation Legislation: N/A (Part of AHRQ)
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Office of Extramural Research and Priority Populations
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To foster research that enhances the health care of priority populations by supporting and managing extramural research, training, and education programs; to ensure that research addresses health disparities and improves health outcomes for underserved groups.

Research Grants Management; Training Programs; Health Equity Research


Office of Extramural Research, Education, and Priority Populations (OEREP), part of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, focuses on supporting research and educational initiatives aimed at improving health care for priority populations.

Official Site


The mission of OEREP is to advance health care for priority populations through research, training, and education. It manages extramural research programs, supports health services research training, and directs efforts to reduce health disparities, aiming to improve health outcomes for underserved communities.

Parent organization

OEREP is part of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), which operates under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.


The office is not established by specific legislation but is a component of AHRQ, which was authorized by the Healthcare Research and Quality Act of 1999.


OEREP collaborates with:

  • Various research institutions
  • Other AHRQ offices and centers
  • Federal and non-federal partners focused on health equity

Number of employees

The number of employees specifically within OEREP isn't publicly detailed.

Organization structure

  • Division of Research Education oversees training and career development programs.
  • Division of Priority Populations focuses on research related to underserved groups.
  • Grants Management Office handles the administration of research grants.

List of programs

  • Health Services Research Grants
  • Research Training and Career Development Awards
  • Priority Populations Research Initiatives
  • Health Disparities Research Projects

Last total enacted budget

The budget for OEREP is not separately published from AHRQ's overall budget.


OEREP is led by a Director.

Services provided

OEREP provides services by managing the extramural research portfolio, which includes administering grants for health services research, supporting researcher training, and leading initiatives to address health care for priority populations. This involves overseeing the scientific review process, managing training programs, and focusing on research that reduces disparities.

Regulations overseen

OEREP does not oversee regulations but ensures compliance with federal research guidelines and policies related to funding and research ethics.

Headquarters address

5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857 (AHRQ's main headquarters)


Wikipedia article

There is no specific Wikipedia article for OEREP; for related information, see wikipedia:Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

External links