Office of Natural Resources Revenue

From USApedia
Office of Natural Resources Revenue
Type: Government
Parent organization: U.S. Department of the Interior
Employees: 500 (approx.)
Executive: Director
Budget: $100 million (FY 2022 estimate)
Address: 1849 C St NW, Washington, DC 20240 (Mailing Address; Physical location is in Lakewood, CO)
Creation Legislation: Secretarial Order No. 3299 by Secretary Ken Salazar in 2010
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Office of Natural Resources Revenue
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To collect, disburse, and verify federal and Indian revenues from energy and mineral resources; to ensure that the American public receives fair value for natural resource use on public lands and waters.

Revenue Collection; Data Management; Compliance and Auditing


30 CFR Parts 1200-1290

Office of Natural Resources Revenue
File:Onrr logo 2011.jpg
Agency Overview
Formed October 1, 2011 (2011-10-01)
Preceding agency Minerals Management Service
Headquarters Lakewood, Colorado
Employees 624 FTE (2021)
Annual budget N/A
Agency Executives Howard Cantor, Director
April Lockler, Deputy Director
Parent agency Department of the Interior

The Office of Natural Resources Revenue (ONRR) is a unit of the United States Department of the Interior, established by Secretarial Order.[1] The new office exercises the royalty and revenue management functions formerly under the Minerals Management Service, including royalty and revenue collection, distribution, auditing and compliance, investigation and enforcement, and asset management for both onshore and offshore works.[1]

It manages and ensures the proper collection, accounting, and disbursement of revenues from federal and Indian lands' natural resources.

Official Site


ONRR's mission is to collect, account for, and verify revenues from energy and mineral resources on federal and American Indian lands, ensuring these resources are managed for the benefit of the American public and Native American communities. This includes promoting transparency, efficiency, and compliance in revenue management.

Parent organization

ONRR is under the U.S. Department of the Interior.


ONRR was established by Secretarial Order No. 3299, issued by Secretary Ken Salazar in 2010, as part of the reorganization of the Department of the Interior's minerals management functions.


  • Works closely with various bureaus within the Department of the Interior
  • Collaborates with tribal governments on revenue management
  • Engages with industry stakeholders for compliance and revenue reporting

Number of employees

Approximately 500 employees work at ONRR.

Organization structure

  • Revenue Operations handles collection and disbursement.
  • Compliance and Asset Management focuses on audits and regulatory oversight.
  • Data Management and Analytics deals with data integrity and public transparency.

List of programs

  • Federal and Indian Minerals Revenue Management
  • Revenue Disbursement to States and Tribes
  • Compliance Review and Auditing
  • Public Data Dissemination on Natural Resources Revenue

Last total enacted budget

The budget for ONRR was approximately $100 million for Fiscal Year 2022.


ONRR is led by a Director.

Services provided

ONRR provides services through the collection of royalties, rents, and bonuses from the extraction of natural resources, ensuring that these funds are accurately disbursed to federal, state, and tribal recipients. It also ensures compliance through auditing, enforces regulations, and makes revenue data available to the public for transparency.

Regulations overseen

ONRR oversees regulations under 30 CFR Parts 1200-1290, which include rules on valuation, reporting, and compliance for natural resource revenues.

Headquarters address

While the mailing address is listed as 1849 C St NW, Washington, DC 20240, the physical headquarters is in Lakewood, CO, with the precise address not publicly listed for security reasons.

See also


External links