Department of Energy’s Upcoming Critical Decisions and Events (2020 Presidential transition)
Book 1 - Corporate overview |
Entire 2020 Transition book As of October 2020 |
The following includes the Department’s high- visibility critical decision points and events, by program, for January 20, 2021 through April 30, 2021.
January 2021 (Post-Inauguration)
- Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs will begin preparing incoming nominees for confirmation hearings, including Congressional courtesy visits.
- Energy Information Administration will issue the Annual Energy Outlook (AEO), an integrated long-term projection of U.S. energy consumption, supply, prices, and energy-related carbon dioxide emissions.
- National Nuclear Security Administration will provide an annual report (developed jointly with the Department of Defense) to the Secretary of Energy and the Secretary of Defense on the safety, reliability, performance and military effectiveness of the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile. The Secretaries must submit the report to the President by February 1, 2021.
- National Nuclear Security Administration will announce the awardees for a new university consortium under the $25 million Integrated University Program (IUP) Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) to establish basic research and development capabilities at U.S. universities and enable a pipeline of students who have performed nuclear engineering and nuclear physics research into the national laboratory system.
- National Nuclear Security Administration will participate in the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) 2021 Review Conference, which is tentatively scheduled for January 2021.
- Office of the Chief Financial Officer will develop, if needed, a revised FY 2021 budget request and COVID/stimulus supplemental proposals for Congressional consideration.
- Office of Electricity will seek approval to construct the Grid Storage Launchpad (GSL) Research Facility at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, which is needed to accelerate vital research and validate the performance of battery technologies for grid applications.
- Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy will select financial assistance awardees for the Critical Materials FOA: Next-Generation Technologies and Field Validation, which will provide $30 million for research and development focused on field validation and demonstration, as well as next-generation extraction, separation, and processing technologies for critical materials.
- Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy will select financial assistance awardees for the Water Security FOA: Research and Development for Advanced Water Resource Recovery Systems, which will provide $20 million to develop technology innovations that strengthen America’s water infrastructure and enable advanced water resource recovery systems that have the potential to be net energy positive.
- Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy will select financial assistance awardees for the Perovskite FOA, which will provide $20 million to further advance perovskite research and development in accordance with FY 2020 Congressional direction.
- Office of Science will make critical decisions regarding the Nanoscale Science Research Centers (NSRC) Recapitalization at Brookhaven National Laboratory, including determinations on the selected approach for the project, the project’s final design, and authorization to release funds for the first phase of construction.
February 2021
- Energy Information Administration will issue the February edition of the Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO), which provides a monthly forecast of U.S. energy consumption, supply, and prices through the end of 2022.
- Office of the Chief Financial Officer will develop, if appropriate, a DOE FY 2022 budget request based on new Administration guidance.
- Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs will prepare senior leadership for potential meetings with intergovernmental groups that are scheduled to hold their annual meetings in February and March.
- Office of International Affairs will prepare senior leadership for the Munich Security Conference, scheduled for February 2021, and associated bilateral and multilateral meetings.
- Office of Management the Government Accountability Office (GAO) will issue its bi-annual High Risk List, which includes Federal government activities considered to be at high-risk. The National Nuclear Security Administration and Office of Environmental Management’s major projects and contracts (over $750 million) are expected to continue to be on the list, primarily due to challenges in completing large construction projects.
March 2021
- Energy Information Administration will issue the March edition of the Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO), which provides a monthly forecast of U.S. energy consumption, supply, and prices through the end of 2022.
- National Nuclear Security Administration the President issues the annual assurance on the safety, security, reliability, and military effectiveness of the nuclear weapons stockpile based on an assessment conducted by DOE and the Department of Defense.
- Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy will down select from three awardees funded under the FY 2018 Generation 3 Contracting Solar Power (CSP) Systems FOA to one awardee that will build a test facility that allows diverse teams of researchers, laboratories, developers, and manufacturers to test components and systems through a wide range of operating conditions necessary to advance the next generation of CSP technology.
- Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy expects to announce plans to revise the appliance standards for showerheads and manufactured housing, which will likely draw significant interest from a diverse set of stakeholders, including members of Congress and the media.
- Office of Environmental Management expects to award a new contract to manage and operate the Savannah River National Laboratory, which will enhance and expand the laboratory’s research and development capacity.
- Office of Fossil Energy to support the $1.4 billion Strategic Petroleum Reserve Modernization Program’s Life Extension 2 (LE2) Project, FE must conclude the fourth and final Energy Security and Infrastructure Modernization (ESIM) Fund crude oil sale to raise the final $450 million for construction contract commitments prior to June 2021. The Secretary determines whether to authorize the sale.
- Office of International Affairs will participate in the International Energy Agency (IEA) Governing Board Meeting scheduled for March 24-25, 2021.
- Office of Science will make a decision regarding the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL- LHC) ATLAS Upgrade Project at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory on the approval of the preliminary design of the project as well as consideration of the scope, cost, and schedule.
April 2021
- Energy Information Administration will issue the April edition of the Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO), which provides a monthly forecast of U.S. energy consumption, supply, and prices through the end of 2022.
- Office of Electricity will seek resolution regarding an expiring designation (May 1, 2021) in Executive Order 13920, Securing the United States Bulk-Power System, which declares threats to the bulk-power system by foreign adversaries to constitute a national emergency. Absent legislation, the national emergency declaration would need to be renewed annually.
- Office of Science will host the annual National Science Bowl (NSB), where teams of middle school and high school students across the country compete in the NSB Finals. The President, First Lady, and the Secretary are traditionally invited to address the students or host the finals. All 2021 regional competitions will be virtual (from mid-January to late March). A determination on the location of the National Finals will be made in March 2021.