Agricultural Management Assistance Program

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Agricultural Management Assistance Program
Type: Program
Sponsor organization: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Creation Legislation: Agricultural Risk Protection Act of 2000
The Agricultural Management Assistance Program provides financial assistance to agricultural producers for conservation practices, risk management, and market diversification, particularly in states with low crop insurance participation. It seeks to help farmers implement practices that enhance environmental stewardship, increase economic viability, and reduce production risks.

In United States federal agriculture legislation, the Agricultural Management Assistance Program was authorized in the Agricultural Risk Protection Act of 2000 (P.L. 106-224, Sec. 133) and permanently authorized and amended in the 2002 farm bill (P.L. 107-171, Sec. 2501) to provide mandatory funding of $20 million annually from FY2003 through FY 2007 and $10 million in all other years (but annual appropriations laws have reduced the funding). Participants in 15 designated states, primarily in the northeast, that had been under-served by crop insurance are to receive financial assistance, not to exceed $50,000 per year, to help pay to install conservation practices and take other specified actions that will reduce their financial risk.
