Boards, Councils, and Committees (2020 Presidential transition)
Book 1 - Corporate overview |
Entire 2020 Transition book As of October 2020 |
Given its diverse, complex missions, DOE has established several high-level boards, councils, and committees to: identify issues and challenges requiring attention; facilitate collaborative, decision-making; and offer recommendations on challenges facing the Department. In most cases, these groups are comprised of senior leaders from headquarters program and mission support offices; field organizations; and laboratories. They have been essential to building stronger relationships and developing strategies to achieve DOE’s goals.
In addition, DOE has twenty-one advisory committees that are managed in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act. These committees are comprised of experts in specific disciplines and represent the users, industries, and organizations in the public and private sectors that could be directly affected by the work of the committees. The committees provide relevant, objective advice to DOE and their proceedings are open to the public. DOE manages two of these advisory committees in support of the President.
Internal DOE Boards, Councils and Committees
The following includes boards, councils, and committees that are internal to DOE, most of which are chaired by the Deputy Secretary.
Research and Technology Investment Committee
Research and Technology Investment Committee (RTIC), chaired by the Deputy Secretary, convenes key elements of the Department that support research and development activities to share and coordinate their strategic research priorities, identify potential cross-cutting opportunities in both basic and applied science and technology, and ensure key upcoming decisions are effectively leveraged. The RTIC membership includes the Under Secretaries, ARPA-E Director, and other senior officials. The RTIC is supported by the RTIC Working Group, which is comprised of senior level staff representing the RTIC members. RTIC initiatives have focused on increased transparency and collaboration across programs, especially on specific technologies, including energy storage, artificial intelligence, critical materials, STEM, biotechnology, polymers, and integrated energy systems.
Cyber Council
Cyber Council, chaired by the Deputy Secretary, is the principal forum for coordination of cyber-related activities across the Department and serves as an advisory body to the Deputy Secretary. DOE is engaged in three categories of cyber-related activities:
- protecting the DOE enterprise – including government-owned, contractor-operated sites and facilities – from a range of cyber threats that can adversely impact mission capabilities;
- bolstering the United States Government’s capabilities to address cyber threats; and
- supporting energy sector efforts to strengthen cybersecurity. Membership includes the Under Secretaries and other senior leadership with responsibilities for cyber security
The Council meets quarterly or as required by the Chair.
Energy Systems Acquisition Advisory Board
Energy Systems Acquisition Advisory Board (ESAAB), chaired by the Deputy Secretary, supports the Department’s objective of achieving and maintaining excellence in project management, advises the Deputy Secretary on enterprise-wide project management policy and issues, and supports decision-making on critical decision (CD) milestones for major system projects greater than $750 million. The ESAAB also reviews other projects of lessor value to raise awareness of problems and solutions. Recent highlights include: the approval of a project alternative (CD-1) of a new $5.8 billion Versatile Test Reactor (VTR) at the Idaho National Lab; a mission need approval (CD-0) for a new $4.2 billion Science Electron Ion Collider (EIC); and the project completion (CD-4) of a new, $2.34 billion nuclear chemical processing facility, the Salt Waste Processing Facility (SWPF) at the Savannah River Site.
Emergency and Incident Management Council
Emergency and Incident Management Council (EIMC), chaired by the Deputy Secretary, serves as a forum to promote coordination across the Department to prepare for, mitigate, respond to, and recover from emergency situations. Most recently, for example, the EIMC has played a significant role in ensuring a coordinated Departmental response to COVID-19. The Council, made up of senior leaders from across the Department, addresses strategic- level aspects of the emergency management enterprise and identifies department-wide capabilities that can be utilized, as appropriate, in response, consultation, and technical assistance and restoration activities.
Credit Review Board
Credit Review Board (CRB), chaired by the Deputy Secretary, is charged with ensuring full consideration of credit management, debt collection, and policy issues, to make recommendations to the Secretary of Energy prior to the Secretary's granting final approval for any conditional commitment for a loan guarantee or loan, and to participate in the oversight of the Loan Program’s portfolio. The CRB seeks to confirm the commercial viability of a project receiving a loan or loan guarantee; thoroughly examine the project or activities benefitting from the program in light of DOE's objectives, including the portfolio objectives for the program; and oversee the development of a strategy for managing risks taken on by the Department in association with its loans, loan guarantees, and portfolio.
Laboratory Operations Board
Laboratory Operations Board (LOB) was chartered in 2013 to strengthen the partnership between the Department and the National Laboratories, and to improve management and performance in order to more effectively and efficiently execute the missions of the Department and the National Laboratories.
The LOB holds monthly meetings and is chaired by the Director, Office of Strategic Planning and Policy. Its membership includes senior program and staff office officials; National Laboratory Chief Operating Officers (COOs) and Chief Research Officers (CROs); a representative from the Field Office Managers; and a representative from the Lab M&O contractor group. Most recently, the LOB has focused on developing the 2020 State of the DOE National Laboratories Report and preparing a strategic response to the Secretary of Energy Advisory Board’s recommendations on investing in people to retain, grow and inspire top talent.
Security Committee
Security Committee was established by the Secretary and is comprised of Chief Security Officers (CSOs) across DOE. The Security Committee identifies corporate security strategies, guides security policy development, and provides a forum for cross- organizational issues. The Committee oversaw the development of a Design Basis Threat policy, further refining previous threat assessment processes.
In addition, the Committee provides guidance for security of special nuclear material, including addressing aging security infrastructure, and material control and accountability. The Committee has also led the Department’s efforts to develop counter-unmanned-aerial system security policies and pursue special airspace designations and engagement authorities to best protect DOE assets.
Federal Advisory Committees
The following includes Federal Advisory Committees managed by the Department.
President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology
President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) advises the President on matters involving science, technology, education, and innovation policy. The Council also provides the President with scientific and technical information that is needed to inform public policy relating to the American economy, the American worker, national and homeland security, and other topics.
National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee
National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee (NQIAC) provides advice to the President and the Secretary of Energy on the National Quantum Initiative Program. The committee also provides advice to the National Science and Technology Council Subcommittee on Quantum Information Science. The NQIAC conducts independent assessments of trends and developments in quantum information science and technology and tracks the progress and activities of the Program, including the extent to which the Program is helping to maintain United States leadership in quantum information science and technology.
Secretary of Energy Advisory Board
Secretary of Energy Advisory Board (SEAB) provides the Secretary with timely, balanced, external advice on issues concerning DOE.
Comprised of technical experts, business executives, academics, and former government officials, SEAB provides recommendations to the Secretary on DOE’s basic and applied research and development activities; economic and national security policy; educational issues; operational issues; and any other issues as directed by the Secretary. Most recently, four SEAB working groups have been established to provide recommendations on maximizing artificial intelligence and machine learning to support DOE’s mission; promoting innovation in DOE policies and practices; optimizing DOE efforts to support space exploration; and elevating the profile of DOE’s vital missions through improved branding.
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
The following four Federal advisory committees that support its activities:
Appliance Standards and Rulemaking Advisory Committee
Appliance Standards and Rulemaking Advisory Committee (ASRAC), was established to use negotiated rulemaking to engage all interested parties, gather data, and attempt to reach consensus on establishing energy efficiency standards.
Biomass Research and Development Advisory Committee
Biomass Research and Development Advisory Committee (BIOAC), provides expert advice to help craft recommendations on the direction of biomass research and development at DOE.
Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technical Advisory Committee
Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technical Advisory Committee (HTAC), provides technical and programmatic advice on DOE's hydrogen research, development, and demonstration efforts.
State Energy Advisory Board
State Energy Advisory Board (STEAB), develops recommendations regarding initiation, design, implementation, and evaluation of federal energy efficiency and renewable energy programs to help integrate and provide consistency between federal, state, and local activities.
Office of Electricity
The following Federal advisory committee supports its activities:
Electricity Advisory Committee
Electricity Advisory Committee (EAC), provides expert advice on implementing the Energy Policy Act of 2005; executing the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007; and modernizing the nation's electricity delivery infrastructure.
Office of Fossil Energy
Office of Fossil Energy (FE) has the following three Federal advisory committees that support its activities:
National Coal Council
National Coal Council (NCC), provides advice and recommendations on coal policy, technology and markets.
National Petroleum Council
National Petroleum Council (NPC), was established to advise, inform, and make recommendations with respect to any matter relating to oil and natural gas or to the oil and gas industries.
Methane Hydrate Advisory Committee
Methane Hydrate Advisory Committee (MHAC), advises DOE on the potential applications of methane hydrate; assists in developing recommendations and priorities for the methane hydrate research and development program; and submits to Congress one or more reports on an assessment of DOE’s research program.
Office of Nuclear Energy
The following Federal advisory committee supports its activities:
Nuclear Energy Advisory Committee
Nuclear Energy Advisory Committee (NEAC), advises on national policy and scientific aspects of nuclear issues of concern to DOE.
Office of Science
The following six advisory committees all provide independent advice on specific technological areas:
- Advanced Scientific Computing Advisory Committee (ASCAC)
- Basic Energy Science Advisory Committee (BESAC)
- Biological and Environmental Research Advisory Committee (BERAC)
- Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee (FESAC)
- High Energy Physics Advisory Panel (HEPAP)
- Nuclear Science Advisory Committee (NSAC)
Office of Environmental Management
The following two Federal advisory committees supports its activities:
Environmental Management Advisory Board
Environmental Management Advisory Board (EMAB), provides independent and external advice, information, and recommendations to the Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management on corporate issues relating to accelerated site cleanup and risk reduction.
Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board
Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board (EMSSAB), was created to involve stakeholders more directly in environmental cleanup discussions, federal decision-making and cleanup activities.
National Nuclear Security Administration
The following Federal advisory committee supports its activities:
Defense Programs Advisory Committee
Defense Programs Advisory Committee (DPAC), provides advice and recommendations on the stewardship and maintenance of the Nation's nuclear deterrent.