21st Century Power Partnership

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Brazil’s EPE President Welcome Message to 21CPP Side Event Participants

The 21st Century Power Partnership (21CPP) aims to accelerate the global transformation of power systems. It is a multilateral effort of the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) and serves as a platform for public-private collaboration to advance integrated policy, regulatory, financial, and technical solutions for the large-scale deployment of renewable energy in combination with deep energy efficiency and smart grid solutions.

It promises to add value to ongoing power system transformation efforts by expanding the network of expertise, accelerating learning and knowledge sharing, and elevating the visibility of national efforts.

Official Site - 21stcenturypower.org

DOE's role

As the operating agent, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and its institutional affiliate, the Joint Institute for Strategic Energy Analysis (JISEA), lead the Power Partnership and serve as the liaison to the CEM Secretariat. NREL implements Power Partnership activities based on guidance from the Clean Energy Ministerial, the United Nations, and our partners and stakeholders. The operating agent is responsible for executing the program of work, ensuring stakeholder coordination, marketing and communications functions, analysis, and all other products and services that the Power Partnership provides.


At the 21st Century Power Partnership, our work focuses on four key areas of activity to support national and regional initiatives in power sector transformation. We develop and share knowledge, strengthen and disseminate tools, bolster expert capacity, and support policy and regulatory implementation. Learn more below.

  • Supporting Country-Level Policy and Regulatory Implementation
  • Developing and Sharing Knowledge
  • Strengthening and Disseminating Tools
  • Bolstering Expert Capacity

See Our Work for more details.


The 21st Century Power Partnership advances its mission through collaboration with international clean energy organizations and technical institutes, including these:

Clean Energy Ministerial

The Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) is a high-level global forum to promote policies and programs that advances clean energy technology, shares lessons learned and best practices, and encourages the transition to a global clean energy economy. Initiatives are based on areas of common interest among participating governments and other stakeholders. The 21st Century Power Partnership maintains regular contact with the CEM Secretariat in Paris to share information and coordinate.

Clean Energy Solutions Center

The Clean Energy Solutions Center (CESC), another initiative of the Clean Energy Ministerial, helps governments design and adopt policies and programs that support the deployment of transformational low-carbon technologies. The Solutions Center serves as a first-stop clearinghouse of online clean energy resources—including policy best practices, data, and analysis tools—and shares these resources with a global forum of energy experts, policy makers, and other stakeholders. The Solutions Center and the 21st Century Partnership jointly offer online training, "live" expert assistance, and peer-to-peer learning to help countries tailor solutions to their needs and foster international collaboration on policy innovations.

Regulatory Assistance Project

The Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) is a global, non-profit team of experts that supports public policy decision makers with policies to accelerate the transition to an efficient energy future with clean, reliable electricity. RAP meets directly with government officials, regulators, and their staffs; leads technical workshops and training sessions; conducts in-house research; and produces a growing volume of publications designed to better align energy regulation with economic and environmental goals. RAP works in the United States, China, the European Union, and India—the largest power markets in the world.

International Energy Agency

The International Energy Agency (IEA) works to ensure reliable, affordable, and clean energy for its 29 member countries and beyond. The IEA’s mission is guided by four areas of focus: energy security, economic development, environmental awareness. and engagement worldwide.


21CPP is structured into three main bodies that will guide and implement all partnership activities.

  • Power Partnership Steering Group — Foundational partners of 21CPP tasked with setting the strategic direction of the organization
  • Public-Private Leadership Forum (PPLF)— Coordinated body of private sector stakeholders tasked with providing input for the annual program of work
  • Operating Agent — Agency tasked with executing the program of work.

Power Partnership Steering Group

The Power Partnership Steering Group is the executive council of global power sector leaders tasked with guiding the strategic direction of 21CPP.

The 21CPP foundational partners of 21CPP are the governments of the United States, India, Denmark, Germany, Spain, and Finland. Minister-level officials from these countries have committed to advance integrated policy collaboration within the Power Partnership platform. Participation in the Power Partnership Steering Group ensures a direct role in development of the Power Partnership program of work and the specific activities and partnerships that will advance this program of work.

The Steering Group is open to high-level leaders from public, private, and civil sectors, with a focus on those actors who have demonstrated a track record of policy and technical advances in the fields of renewable energy, energy efficiency, and smarter grids. In support of advancing global power system transformation, Steering Group members will be expected to contribute to the 21CPP annual operating budget.

Public-Private Leadership Forum

The Public-Private Leadership Forum (PPLF) is a foundational component of the overall 21CPP initiative, catalysing public-private collaboration in transforming global power systems.

Opportunities for Collaboration

21CPP is undertaking analysis and capacity building activities surrounding renewable electricity integration and grid management and best practices for energy efficiency policy and energy management. We welcome opportunities to work with technical institutes and private sector companies who have expertise in these areas.

Read more about our current activities.

The Leadership Forum convenes private sector stakeholders from across the power sector, spanning electricity supply, delivery, and end-use, and plays a key role in guiding the strategic direction of the 21CPP. Leadership Forum members also support the implementation of programmatic activities set out in the 21CPP work plan by marshalling resources for collaborative efforts.

Leadership Forum membership is open to all firms active in the power sector. 21CPP welcomes diverse industry representation across technologies, all aspects of the power and related energy systems, and legal, financial, and regulatory communities. The Leadership Forum aims to include balanced representation from developing and developed country participants. The Leadership Forum will select a chair and vice-chair on an annual basis to perform leadership and program development functions. PPLF members can nominate themselves to serve in these roles.

A forthcoming detailed work plan will provide further details of the governance structure.

Operating Agent

As the operating agent, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and its institutional affiliate, the Joint Institute for Strategic Energy Analysis (JISEA), lead the 21CPP and serve as the liaison to the CEM Secretariat. NREL implements 21CPP activities based on guidance from the Clean Energy Ministerial, the United Nations, and our partners and stakeholders. The operating agent is responsible for executing the program of work, ensuring stakeholder coordination, marketing and communications functions, analysis, and all other products and services that the Power Partnership provides. [Partnership Inquiry|Contact the operating agent].


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