Job queue

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Job queue on Wikipedia

The job queue in MediaWiki is a system designed to handle tasks that are too time-consuming or resource-intensive to be performed during a normal web request-response cycle.

The job queue allows MediaWiki to defer tasks that do not need immediate execution. This includes operations like updating link tables when templates change, sending notification emails, re-rendering pages after template edits, or any batch processing tasks.

Saintapedia reference


Cron job


# Put the MediaWiki installation path on the line below


RUN_JOBS="$MW_INSTALL_PATH/maintenance/runJobs.php --maxtime=60"

echo Starting job service...

# Wait a minute after the server starts up to give other processes time to get started

sleep 1

echo Started.

while true; do

# Job types that need to be run ASAP no matter how many of them are in the queue

# Those jobs should be very "cheap" to run

php $RUN_JOBS --type="enotifNotify"

# Everything else, limit the number of jobs on each batch

# The --wait parameter will pause the execution here until new jobs are added,

# to avoid running the loop without anything to do

php $RUN_JOBS --wait --maxjobs=20

# Wait some seconds to let the CPU do other things, like handling web requests, etc

echo Waiting for 10 seconds...

sleep 10



* * * * * docker exec web php maintenance/runJobs.php --maxjobs 700 --maxtime=55

sudo crontab -e
