Module:Type in location

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For generating short descriptions for infoboxes of structures/small places such as dams and museums, which are often in the format of type in location. Example:

{{#invoke:Type in location|main|{{{type|}}}|{{{location|}}}|check-patterns = [Mm]useum;foo;bar}}

Description only shows if check-pattern is matched in type.

Multiple check-patterns can be specified as "pattern1;pattern2;pattern3" and so on.

Multiple infobox location parameters can be specified using {{comma separated entries}}; see {{Infobox television station}} and {{Infobox hospital}} for complex examples.

Also has helper functions of prepareLoc (for removing extraneous from addresses) and generalLoc (for getting more general location from specific address) which can be used seperately.

What is specified in the |invalidadd= parameter will be added with a space if the check-patterns fail.

Setting |full-loc= gives the full of the location (with slight processing) instead of the more general location.

local p = {}
local plaintext = require("Module:Plain text")._main
local language = mw.language.getContentLanguage()

--Cleanup/format location for use in short descriptions
function p.prepareLoc (frame)
	return p._prepareLoc (frame.args[1])

function p._prepareLoc (text)
	text = plaintext(text)
	text = text..',' --comma at the end makes things convenient
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text,'%b()', ', ') --remove things in brackets as extraneous information
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text,'[^%s,]*%d[^%s,]*', '') --remove things with digits as generally being unnecessary postal codes/road numbers etc
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text,'(,%s-),', '%1') --fix possible blank separated commas from previous cleanup
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text,'%s%s', ' ') --fix possible extra spaces from previous cleanup
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text,'^[%s,]*', '') --trim commas and spaces from beginning
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text,'[%s,]*$', '') --trim commas and spaces from end
	return text

--Gets general location from more specific one for short descriptions
--i.e if a location is specified to be "P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney, Australia", return "Sydney, Australia"
--splits by commas and returns last two entries

function p.generalLoc (frame)
	return p._generalLoc (frame.args[1])

function p._generalLoc (loc)
	loc = p._prepareLoc(loc)
	local split = {}
	local num = 0
	loc = loc..',' --comma at the end for convenient splitting with gmatch
	for k in mw.ustring.gmatch(loc,'([^,]*),') do --split by commas
		table.insert(split, k)
		num = num + 1
	if num == 1 then --if only comma was the one at the end return the whole thing
		return split[1]
		return split[num-1]..','..split[num] --return last two entries separated by commas

--validate type parameter
function p.validateTyp (typ, args)
	args = args or {}
	local checkpatterns = args['check-patterns']
	local invalidadd = args.invalidadd
	if checkpatterns then
		for k in mw.ustring.gmatch(checkpatterns..';','([^;]*);') do --split checkpatterns by ;, check if one of the patterns is in type
			if mw.ustring.match(mw.ustring.lower(typ),k) then 
				return typ
		if invalidadd then --if invalid, add to make it valid
			return typ..' '..invalidadd
		return typ

function p._generateDesc (args)
	local cleanupLoc = require('Module:Settlement short description').cleanupLoc
	local typ = args[1] or ""
	typ = plaintext(args[1]) or ""
	if #typ == 0 then return end  -- bail out if type is empty
	local sep = ((args.sep == 'no') and '') or args.sep or ' in ' --if args.sep set to no, nothing between typ and loc, if it has other value put that
	local loc = args[2] or ""
	local func
	if args['full-loc'] then func = '_prepareLoc' else func =  '_generalLoc' end
	loc = p[func](loc) or ""
	loc = cleanupLoc(loc) or ""
	loc = mw.text.trim(loc)
	loc = loc and #loc > 0 and sep..loc or ""
	typ = p.validateTyp (typ, args)
	return typ and language:ucfirst(typ..loc)

function p.generateDesc(frame)
	local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame)
	return p._generateDesc(args) or ""

--Display short description using {{short description}}
function p.shortdesc(text, frame)
	frame = frame or mw.getCurrentFrame()
	return frame:expandTemplate{title = 'Short description', args = {text, 'noreplace'}}

function p._main(args, frame)
	frame = frame or mw.getCurrentFrame()
	local desc = p._generateDesc(args)
	return desc and p.shortdesc(desc, frame)

--generates type in location
function p.main(frame)
	local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs (frame, {frameOnly = true})
	return p._main(args, frame) or ""

return p