Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing: Difference between revisions

Created page with "{{Program |ProgramName=Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program |ProgramType=Program |OrgSponsor=Loan Programs Office |CreationLegislation=Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 |Purpose=To provide direct loans for the manufacture of fuel-efficient, advanced technology vehicles and qualifying components in the United States, aiming to reduce petroleum consumption and greenhouse gas emissions while strengthening the domestic auto industry.<ref>{{cite..."
(Created page with "{{Program |ProgramName=Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program |ProgramType=Program |OrgSponsor=Loan Programs Office |CreationLegislation=Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 |Purpose=To provide direct loans for the manufacture of fuel-efficient, advanced technology vehicles and qualifying components in the United States, aiming to reduce petroleum consumption and greenhouse gas emissions while strengthening the domestic auto industry.<ref>{{cite...")
(No difference)