Portal:Department of the Interior
Department of the Interior
The Department of the Interior (DOI) is an executive department of the U.S. federal government responsible for the management and conservation of most federal lands and natural resources. It also administers programs relating to Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, territorial affairs, and insular areas of the United States, as well as programs related to historic preservation. About 75% of federal public land is managed by the department, with most of the remainder managed by the Department of Agriculture's Forest Service. The department was created on March 3, 1849. It is headquartered at the Main Interior Building, located at 1849 C Street NW in Washington, D.C.
The department is headed by the secretary of the interior, who reports directly to the president of the United States and is a member of the president's Cabinet. The current secretary is Deb Haaland.
As of mid-2004, the department managed 507 million acres (2,050,000 km2) of surface land, or about one-fifth of the land in the United States. It manages 476 dams and 348 reservoirs through the Bureau of Reclamation, 431 national parks, monuments, historical sites, etc. through the National Park Service, and 544 national wildlife refuges through the Fish and Wildlife Service. The largest land management agency is the Bureau of Land Management, managing about one-eighth of the land in the United States.
Despite its name, the Department of the Interior has a different role from that of the interior ministries of other nations, which are usually responsible for police matters and internal security. In the United States, national security and immigration functions are performed by the Department of Homeland Security primarily and the Department of Justice secondarily. The Department of the Interior has often been humorously called "the Department of Everything Else" because of its broad range of responsibilities.
- Bureau of Indian Affairs
- Bureau of Indian Education
- Bureau of Land Management
- Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
- Bureau of Reclamation
- Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
- Bureau of Trust Funds Administration
- National Park Service
- Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
- U.S. Geological Survey
- Office of the Secretary
- Assistant Secretary of Insular and International Affairs
- Office of Insular Affairs (U.S. Territories and Freely Associated States)
- Office of International Affairs
- Ocean, Great Lakes and Coastal Program
- Office of Congressional and Legislative Affairs
- Office of Executive Secretariat and Regulatory Affairs
- FOIA Program (Departmental)
- Indian Arts and Crafts Board
- Office of Intergovernmental and External Affairs
- Interior Museum
- Land Buy-Back Program for Tribal Nations
- National Invasive Species Council
- Secretary's Indian Water Rights Office
- Strategic Sciences Group
- Assistant Secretary of Insular and International Affairs
- Office of Policy, Management and Budget (PMB)
- Office of Acquisition and Property Management
- Office of Aviation Services
- Office of Budget
- Office of Collaborative Action and Dispute Resolution
- Office of Emergency Management
- Office of Employee Development
- Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance
- Office of Facilities and Administrative Services
- Office of Financial Management
- Office of Grants Management
- Office of Hearings and Appeals
- Office of Human Resources
- Office of Interior Business Center
- Office of Interior Library
- Office of Law Enforcement and Security
- Office of Native Hawaiian Relations
- Office of Natural Resources Revenue
- Office of Occupational Safety and Health
- Office of Orphaned Wells Program Office
- Office of Planning and Performance Management
- Office of Policy Analysis
- Office of Restoration and Damage Assessment
- Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization
- Office of Valuation Services
- Office of Wildland Fire
Organization chart
Political appointees
Programs and initiatives
Bureau of Indian Affairs
- BIA Owned Irrigation Projects and Power Utilities BIL
- Bison Program BIL IRA - https://www.bia.gov/service/bison-project
- Economic Development (TPA)
- Environment and Cultural Resources
- Forestry BIL
- Fish Hatcheries - Construction and Retrofits IRA
- Housing Improvement Program
- Indian Water Rights Settlements BIL
- Invasive Species BIL
- Job Placement and Training
- Missing and Murdered Indigenous Persons
- Office of Trust Services - Operations of Indian Programs: Energy, Minerals and Mining Development
- Outdoor Recreation Program BIL
- Resource Integration and Services
- Safety of Dams BIL
- Tribal Climate Resilience BIL IRA
- Tribal Electrification Program IRA
- Water Resources Management Planning and Predevelopment
Bureau of Indian Education
- Education Information Technology
- Employee Housing
- Post-Secondary Programs
- School Construction, Improvement and Repair
- School Facility Operations and Maintenance
- Student Transportation
Bureau of Land Management
- Abandoned Mine Lands, Hazardous Materials Management
- Conservation and Ecosystem Restoration IRA [3]
- Conservation and Resilience IRA 3
- Land and Water Conservation Fund – Federal Land Acquisition
- Seeds of Success: Native Seed Collection Program
Bureau of Reclamation
- Authorized Rural Water Projects BIL
- IRA - Domestic Water Supply Projects IRA
- Native American Affairs Program IRA
- Other Water Infrastructure Activities BIL
- Tribal Water Rights Settlements BIL
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
- The Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
- Offshore Orphaned Infrastructure Decommissioning
- The Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program
Fish and Wildlife Service
- Benefits to Private Lands – Coastal Program
- Benefit to Private Lands – Partners Program
- Fish Passage Improvements
- Land and Water Conservation Fund – Federal Land Acquisition
- Refuge System Resiliency IRA
- Tribal Wildlife Grants
- Urban Wildlife Refuges
- Youth Programs
National Park Service
- Conservation and Resilience IRA 3
- Conservation and Ecosystem Restoration IRA 3
- Environmental Compliance and Cleanup Division IRA
- Land and Water Conservation Fund – Federal Land Acquisition
- Land and Water Conservation Fund - Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program
- Land and Water Conservation Fund – Stateside Grants
- Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance
- Youth Programs IRA
Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement
- Abandoned Mine Land Economic Revitalization (AMLER)
- Abandoned Mine Land Program
- Abandoned Mine Land Program BIL
Office of Insular Affairs
- Climate Change Technical Assistance for Territories IRA
- Brown Tree Snake Control
- Capital Improvement Project Grants
- Coral Reef Initiative & Natural Resources
- Energizing Insular Communities
- Maintenance Assistance Fund
- Technical Assistance Program
Department-Wide Programs
- Abandoned Hardrock Mine Reclamation BIL
- Burned Area Rehabilitation BIL
- Central Hazardous Materials Fund
- Ecosystem Restoration BIL 3
- Emergency Stabilization
- Fire Facilities
- Fuels Management BIL
- Orphaned Wells Site Plugging, Remediation, and Restoration BIL
- Preparedness
- Urban Waters
- Native Hawaiian Climate Resilience IRA
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