Budget Service (Department of Education)

Budget Service (Department of Education)
Type: Government
Parent organization: [[U.S. Department of Education]]
Top organization:
Executive: Director of Budget Service
Address: 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202
Website: https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocfo/budservice.html
Creation Legislation: [[Department of Education Organization Act of 1979]]
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Budget Service (Department of Education)

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To develop, implement, and manage the Department of Education's budget, ensuring fiscal responsibility, strategic allocation of resources, and alignment with educational priorities; to support the Department's mission through effective financial planning and execution.

Budget formulation; Budget execution; Legislative budget proposals; Performance-based budgeting


Budget Service (Department of Education)

The Budget Service within the U.S. Department of Education is responsible for the comprehensive management of the Department's budget processes. It plays a crucial role in formulating, executing, and advocating for budgets that support educational programs, ensuring funds are used efficiently and in alignment with national education goals.

Official Site


The mission of the Budget Service is to develop and manage a budget that effectively supports the Department of Education's initiatives to improve education across the nation. This involves strategic financial planning, ensuring compliance with fiscal laws, and providing detailed budget justifications to Congress and other stakeholders.

Parent organization

The Budget Service is housed under the U.S. Department of Education, specifically within the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO), to directly support financial management across all educational programs.


The Budget Service was established as part of the broader organizational structure under the Department of Education Organization Act of 1979, which set up the Department's financial management framework.


  • Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
  • Congressional Budget Committees
  • Various educational stakeholders for budget justification and advocacy

Number of employees

The exact number of employees within the Budget Service isn't publicly specified.

Organization structure

  • Budget Policy and Coordination Staff oversees budget policy and coordinates with other Department offices.
  • Budget Execution and Administrative Analysis Division manages the execution of budgets and administrative analysis.
  • Cost Estimation and Analysis Division focuses on cost estimation for programs, particularly student aid.
  • Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Analysis Division deals with budgets for K-12 and vocational education.
  • Special Education, Rehabilitation, Research, and Postsecondary Analysis Division handles budgets for special education, higher education, and research.

List of programs

The Budget Service supports the budgeting for all Department programs, including:

  • Federal Student Aid programs
  • Title I funding for low-income schools
  • IDEA funding for special education

Last total enacted budget

The Budget Service does not have its own budget but manages the Department's overall budget, which for FY 2025 was requested at $82.4 billion[1].


The Budget Service is led by the Director of Budget Service.

Services provided

The Budget Service provides comprehensive budget management services, including the formulation of annual budgets, execution of funds, preparation of legislative budget proposals, performance-based budgeting, and fiscal analysis to support the Department's educational goals. It also involves preparing justifications for Congress and managing the allocation of funds according to strategic priorities.

Regulations overseen

While not directly overseeing regulations, the Budget Service ensures that budgeting practices align with federal budget laws, OMB circulars, and Congressional directives.

Headquarters address

400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202



Wikipedia article

wikipedia:U.S. Department of Education#Budget Service

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