Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights

The Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is a key position responsible for ensuring that the department complies with federal civil rights laws:

Role and Responsibilities

  • Assists the Secretary of Agriculture in providing leadership for the department's civil rights programs.
  • Oversees compliance with laws like Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
  • Ensures equitable program delivery and equal employment opportunity within USDA.

Budget and Staff

  • Managed a budget around $21 million as of fiscal year 2021.
  • Staffed by approximately 130 employees as of 2019, highlighting the scale of operations.

Historical Context

  • Individuals appointed to this role typically have backgrounds in civil rights, law, or public service.
  • For example, Devon Westhill was appointed by President Donald J. Trump in March 2020 as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights.

Scope of Influence

  • Impacts internal USDA operations concerning civil rights.
  • Ensures that USDA-funded programs are delivered in compliance with civil rights laws, affecting customer and employee treatment.

Public and Political Attention

  • The role garners attention from civil rights groups, policymakers, and the public due to its importance in promoting fairness and equality within agriculture and related fields.