Page values for "Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services"

"Organization" values

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FieldField typeValue
OrganizationNamePageOffice of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
OrganizationTypePageExecutive Departments (Sub-organization)

OSERS aims to improve outcomes for people with disabilities of all ages by providing leadership, support, and resources in special education and vocational rehabilitation. It seeks to ensure that individuals with disabilities have equal opportunity and access to education, employment, and community living.

ParentOrganizationPageDepartment of Education
TopOrganizationPageDepartment of Education
CreationLegislationPageDepartment of Education Organization Act of 1979
HeadquartersAddressWikitext string

400 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20202, USA

HeadquartersLocationCoordinates38.88649, -77.01873
BudgetWikitext string

$14.5 billion (Fiscal Year 2024)

OrganizationExecutivePageAssistant Secretary for Special Education and Rehabilitative Services

Special education programs; Vocational rehabilitation; Research to practice; Transition services; Technical assistance


Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA); Rehabilitation Act of 1973
