Page values for "International Maple Syrup Institute"
"Organization" values
1 row is stored for this pageField | Field type | Value |
OrganizationName | Page | International Maple Syrup Institute |
OrganizationType | Page | Trade Associations |
Mission | Wikitext | The mission of the International Maple Syrup Institute (IMSI) is to promote the growth and sustainability of the global maple syrup industry. It aims to enhance the quality, marketability, and consumption of maple products while fostering cooperation among producers, processors, and marketers worldwide. |
ParentOrganization | Page | |
TopOrganization | Page | |
CreationLegislation | Page | |
HeadquartersAddress | Wikitext string | 5575 Casgrain Drive, Suite 201, Montreal, QC H2X 0A9, Canada |
HeadquartersLocation | Coordinates | 45.5017, -73.5673 |
Employees | Integer | 10 |
Budget | Wikitext string | |
OrganizationExecutive | Page | Executive Director |
Services | Wikitext | Industry advocacy; Education; Research; Marketing |
Regulations | Wikitext | |
Website | URL | |