Page values for "Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management Technologies Deployment Program"
"Program" values
1 row is stored for this pageField | Field type | Value |
ProgramName | Page | Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management Technologies Deployment Program |
ProgramType | Page | Program |
OrgSponsor | Page | Federal Highway Administration |
TopOrganization | Page | Department of Transportation |
CreationLegislation | Page | Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act |
Purpose | Wikitext string | To deploy advanced transportation technologies to improve safety, efficiency, and infrastructure return on investment. The program seeks to establish model deployment sites to demonstrate the benefits of these technologies. |
Website | URL | |
ProgramStart | String | 2016 |
InitialFunding | String | $60 million per year for competitive grants |
Duration | String | Ongoing |
Historic | Boolean | No |