Page values for "Eastern North Atlantic Observatory"
"Organization" values
1 row is stored for this pageField | Field type | Value |
OrganizationName | Page | Eastern North Atlantic Observatory (ENA) |
OrganizationType | Page | Research and Development Agencies |
Mission | Wikitext | The Eastern North Atlantic Observatory aims to collect detailed atmospheric data to improve understanding of cloud, aerosol, and precipitation processes in the marine boundary layer, contributing to climate model development and validation. Its mission is to provide a long-term dataset for studying the impact of climate change on marine clouds and the atmosphere. |
ParentOrganization | Page | Atmospheric Radiation Measurement User Facility |
TopOrganization | Page | |
CreationLegislation | Page | |
HeadquartersAddress | Wikitext string | |
HeadquartersLocation | Coordinates | 39.09196, -28.0315 |
Employees | Integer | |
Budget | Wikitext string | |
OrganizationExecutive | Page | Site Manager |
Services | Wikitext | Atmospheric data collection; Cloud research; Aerosol studies; Precipitation analysis |
Regulations | Wikitext | |
Website | URL | |