Page values for "Air Resources Laboratory"
"Organization" values
1 row is stored for this pageField | Field type | Value |
OrganizationName | Page | Air Resources Laboratory (ARL) |
OrganizationType | Page | Research and Development Agencies (Sub-organization) |
Mission | Wikitext | To provide atmospheric information and data to decision-makers and the science community to improve the Nation’s ability to protect human and ecosystem health. ARL focuses on understanding the physical and chemical processes in the atmospheric boundary layer to enhance weather, climate, and air quality forecasts. |
ParentOrganization | Page | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) |
CreationLegislation | Page | |
HeadquartersAddress | Wikitext string | 5830 University Research Court, College Park, MD 20740, USA |
HeadquartersLocation | Coordinates | 38.97199, -76.92471 |
Employees | Integer | |
Budget | Integer | |
OrganizationExecutive | Page | Director |
Services | Wikitext | Atmospheric research; Air quality modeling; Dispersion modeling; Emergency response support; Climate variability analysis |
Regulations | Wikitext | |
Website | URL | |
"Organization__NEXT" values
1 row is stored for this pageField | Field type | Value |
OrganizationName | Page | Air Resources Laboratory (ARL) |
OrganizationType | Page | Research and Development Agencies (Sub-organization) |
Mission | Wikitext | To provide atmospheric information and data to decision-makers and the science community to improve the Nation’s ability to protect human and ecosystem health. ARL focuses on understanding the physical and chemical processes in the atmospheric boundary layer to enhance weather, climate, and air quality forecasts. |
ParentOrganization | Page | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) |
TopOrganization | Page | |
CreationLegislation | Page | |
HeadquartersAddress | Wikitext string | 5830 University Research Court, College Park, MD 20740, USA |
HeadquartersLocation | Coordinates | 38.97199, -76.92471 |
Employees | Integer | |
Budget | Wikitext string | |
OrganizationExecutive | Page | Director |
Services | Wikitext | Atmospheric research; Air quality modeling; Dispersion modeling; Emergency response support; Climate variability analysis |
Regulations | Wikitext | |
Website | URL | |